46) A Past Mistake

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"Isn't that right, Naruto?" I asked who just crossed his arms angrily.

"Whatever." He mumbled quietly, as he stood in between Sakura and Sasuke, while I ruffled his hair.

"I see." He said, as he rubbed his temples.
"Oh well, what's been done, has been done. It's too late to change recruitments so you guys will just have to do."

"You guys will just have to do." Naruto mocked quietly, earning a slap to the back of the head from Sakura.

"Naruto! Shut up!" She whispered, as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Well anyways, I shall finish getting my things together. Should I bring along a few extra guards since your Hokage doesn't believe I can carry a few plans and details by myself?" He asked, I went to speak up, but Kakashi interrupted me.

"Trust us, that won't be necessary. Like (Y/N) said, escorting you will not be a problem." He said, as he put away his book.
"I doubt anything would happen to you, but if we were to be attacked, you would be safe." He said with a closed eye smiled.
"After all, it's not you they want. It's the plans you're holding." Kakashi added.

"Alright." He said, before looking and me and chuckling. I raised an eyebrow, before he turned around and walked away. I looked over to Kakashi who raised an eyebrow at me, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I thought he'd be more..." I trailed off, thinking of what to say.

"Nice?" Sakura asked.

"Weak?" Sasuke added, making Naruto grunt.

"Something like that." I said, as I looked over to Kakashi, who had his nose stuck in his book.

"Well, I don't like him." Naruto grumbled, crossing his arms, somewhat pouting.

"Well, sometimes we have to deal with people we don't like. It teaches patience-"

"Can't I just... Teach him a lesson?" He interrupted, as I shook my head.

"Unless it's one of the lessons that I'm sure you slept through at the Academy, no you can't teach him a lesson." I teased, making him blush.

"How about I get my shadow clone to hit him, just once? That will show him." He said, making Kakashi sigh.

"Don't be stupid." Sasuke said, making Naruto growl.
"He looks like he could easily pummel you, though it's not hard to." He added with a smirk.

"Yeah Naruto!" Sakura said.
"Sensei?" She added making Kakashi and I look at her.

"Yes Sakura?" We said in unison, before looking at each other.

"Mayori doesn't look like he needs assistance... He looks strong, so why are we helping him... I just don't get it?" She said, and I lightly smiled at her.

"Well, what he has in his possession is very valuable information. If he were to go alone to the Leaf village, he would more than likely be attacked. That is why Kakashi and I normally take on these kinds of missions. The more people protecting the valuables, the more likely it is for the enemy to not attack." I said.

"Wait, then why was Lord Third only going to send you?" She asked.

"Well according to Mayori's file, he's even stronger than he looks." I said, earning wide eyes from the three kids.
"In fact, he's considered to be so important, that his name is just an alias, given to him by the Tsuchikage. Only the Tsuchikage knows of his true identity."

"What? What are you talking about?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"It's similar to the Anbu. They have many aliases to keep them protected. The identity of the real Mayori, is information that's so enclosed, it would take a very strong, and very smart person to figure out his true identity. Mayori is a name used by many of their Anbu, in the Hidden Stone Village, in order to confuse potential threats. This is why people know so many different stories of Mayori Kazu." Kakashi added.

The Endearment of the Quadrumvirative (Kakashi x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang