Chapter 10

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"Hey can I talk to Oliver real quick?" I asked. Mom looked at Oliver's dad with raised eyebrows . She nodded. "Okay, come on." I said to him. We went outside. "What is it?" he asked. 

"Look." I said sternly. "I am dating Freddie Mercury right now." he started to chuckle. "I'm going to go ahead and stop your laughing there because I am telling the full blown truth." Oliver stopped chuckling. "Okay." I said. "I am seriously dating the lead singer of Queen and my mom doesn't believe me. She invited you over and even though I'm an adult she still doesn't have my trust. And she needs proof! So I really need you to believe me. Help me get her to listen to me." Oliver nodded. "I completely understand. I'll help." Oliver said 

"Okay. So for the rest of dinner, act completely unattracted to me so that my mom will already understand that we are not interested in each other. Then I'm going to tell at the dinner table that I'm dating Freddie Mercury. I need you to agree with me." I said sternly. We also had a signal. Oliver nodded. I could tell he was already losing interest, He's a very understanding guy and i'm sure the woman he ends up with will be very lucky. 

We walked back inside. 'Did you kiss?" Mom asked almost immediately. She covered her mouth. "What? No!" I said. We sat down. We all had small talk for a minute and then I gave Oliver the signal. I tapped my spoon against the glass. "Okay. I need to announce something." Everyone looked at me. Mom was biting her nails with a big smile. I'm assuming she was hoping to hear Oliver and I were in love. Think again. "Oliver and I have settled our differences." I said. "This is because I am in love with Freddie Mercury and we are dating." Mom rolled her eyes. "She does this all the time." she whispered to Oliver's dad. "I'm not lying." I said. "She really isn't. I've only known Maria for an hour and I already trust her. I think she's very honest. Therefore, I believe she is dating Freddie Mercury." Oliver announced standing up. Mom looked at him confused. "Are you crazy!? How on Earth could she know him?! I need proof!!" Mom almost yelled. Before things got intense, there was a knock at the door. 

Lovely Melody; A Freddie Mercury Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now