Chapter 4;

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There was a moment of silence. Freddie and I just looked at each other. I was traveling into those deep brown eyes, miles and miles away to a place I had never been. With Freddie just playing piano and singing together while I can hear crowds of people. Freddie leaned in closer. I did the same. We were leaned into each other very close almost to where our lips were about to meet...until....

Slam! The door opened. I heard a gasp. "Maria Williams!" Freddie and I turned around and saw Mr. Kevin Brown with the most angry face ever. "That's it! You-are-fired!" he yelled. "Wait...wait...wait...she didn't do anything." Freddie said standing up. "I don't care! She was off task and I warned her! And letting in customers at this time...that's that's...That's unacceptable!" he yelled throwing his hands in the air. I sighed. "Sir, it was my fault that she got distracted and I was the one who snuck in she didn't let me in." Freddie stuck up for me. I stood up and patted his shoulder. "It's okay Freddie you don't have to stick up for me." I walked up to the angry Mr. Brown and took off my name tag. I put it in his hand and he snatched it away. Freddie looked very concerned. 

"Now you." Mr. Brown said. "I get that you are a rock star and all but you're name doesn't give you the right to sneak into my establishment." he said. "Okay sir, I understand." he said respectfully. I smiled at Freddie. "Now both of you please get out." Mr. Brown commanded. I grabbed my things and headed out. Freddie followed. I walked to my car and got ready to get in until I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Freddie. 

"Where were we?" he asked. I laughed. I looked at him with a smile. We kissed. 

Lovely Melody; A Freddie Mercury Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now