Chapter 9

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On the way, I couldn't stop smiling. I was dating Freddie Mercury! Ah! I was still nervous to tell Mom. She would much rather prefer me to be with a doctor or a lawyer. I entered my house. Mom was setting out spoons and plates. "What's this?" I asked. "I was at work today and one of my workers sons was there. Hansom fellow. And he went to Medical School! I invited him to dinner to meet you." She answered. "W-What?" I said. "Oh God Maria open your ears. I said I was at work today and-" "Mom I heard you." I interrupted. "But you set me up? Without consulting me?" I asked. "I'm just letting you meet someone who I think you'd like." "But what if I didn't want to do dinner tonight?" I asked. Mom chuckled. "Oh Maria go change your clothes I know you'll like him." I decided not to argue. I went upstairs and changed into a nice blue summer dress. I came back downstairs and the guy was there. "Oh! Maria!" Mom exclaimed. "This is Oliver. Oliver Johnson." she said. "Hello, Maria. How are you?" he asked me. I came to the bottom of the stairs. "I-I'm good." I shook hands with Oliver. We all sat down. I was on the right of Oliver and Mom and his dad were on the other side. 

"So, any hobbies, Maria?" Oliver asked. His dad and my mom looked at me. I felt extremely pressured. I knew I needed to tell Mom. So I did. 

"Mom, can I talk to you privately?" I asked. She nodded. We went upstairs to my room. "What is it darling?" she asked. Mom saying darling reminded me of how Freddie calls me darling. I got a goofy grin. "Why are you smiling so much?" Mom asked. "Um-Uh-Um." I said. "Spit it out Maria!" she exclaimed. "I'm in love with Freddie Mercury!" I almost yelled. "W-What!? Aha! You're so silly!" Mom said. "I know Freddie Mercury is your celebrity crush have to do with this situation?" "Um-" I studdered. 

"It's for real Mom. i really am." I said. "Maria. Straighten up now. Stop telling silly things." Mom said. "I'm not being silly. I really am and we are dating." I handed her the lily he gave me earlier. "He gave me this tonight before i headed home and- and we've kissed! I went to his studio with Roger, John, and Brian and- and we made the most beautiful music! It was like magic. And most importantly- I got fired from the bookstore because i was caught off task with him after hours two nights ago." I took a deep breathe. I had just explained everything in a nutshell-and in one breathe. Mom looked at me confused. "I can't believe you've lied in such in an extent, Maria. I won't believe you until I have proof. And with the job! Ugh!" Mom said. I sighed. "Now-back downstairs. Chop, chop." 

"Sorry for the inconvenience."  Mom said to Oliver and his dad. "No problem. The wait was worth it because your daughter is exceptionally beautiful." Oliver said. I wasn't so sure about this guy. 

The rest of dinner was extremely awkward. Oliver obviously was failing in love with me-and too fast. That's when I knew I needed to tell him, before he felt too serious. 

Lovely Melody; A Freddie Mercury Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now