Chapter 8

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I got ready to leave the studio. I knew I needed to tell Mom about the whole job incident and most importantly, about Freddie. Freddie himself walked me out of the studio to go to my car near the diner. "I loved singing with you all today. It was like I was a little girl again singing with my friends!" I said to him. "I'm glad you got to come. I also loved singing with you. You've got a killer voice, darling!" Freddie said. I blushed a little bit. Mainly because Freddie Mercury just told me my voice was amazing.  It still blows my mind. We passed by a flower shop that was still open. Freddie  whisked over and took a flower. He caught back up to me and gave me the beautiful lily flower he got away with taking. I held it and smiled. "You're my Lily of the valley." he said. I looked at him lovingly. I leaned into Freddie side as he put his arm around me. 

We arrived to my car. I sat down in the drivers seat. Freddie leaned onto the car and smiled at me. "Drive safely" he said. "I will." Before I started up the car, Freddie leaned into the door and kissed me. It was a long one too. I felt completely smitten with Freddie. Kissing him was one of the best sensations I had ever felt. He gave me one or two more quick ones and then stood back straight. I could see his face red for the first time. Mine was just as red. If not redder. I looked like a tomato. 

"Freddie?" I asked. "Yes, love?" he said looking deeply into my blue eyes. I pulled my long blonde hair to my side and asked nervously, "Are we dating now?" Freddie smiled at me. I love his unique smile. "Yes." We kissed once more then I drove away.

Lovely Melody; A Freddie Mercury Fan FictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant