66: About Last Night

Start from the beginning

Shame, I really liked that place.

At least our time with our exes didn't spoil the whole night. I can still see the soft smile on her face when I took my walk of shame back to her after I had slammed head first into the glass door with the intent of taking a dip in the pool...was going to convince Mia to skinny dip with me.

As I walked back to her with my tail between my legs, she was trying not to laugh but she couldn't contain her grin.

Such a beautiful smile, I remember thinking it was like sunshine in the middle of the night.

She didn't tease me as I might of if our roles were reversed. Mia just wrapped me in her arms and guided the two of us back up to our room for bed.

I want all my nights to be with her, equally as calm and peaceful, not letting the negative aspects of our world creep into our bubble.

All I want is Mia... my Mia.

Unfortunately, even with the beautiful memories, I hold of our time together, the thoughts of all the unpleasantness still comes through.

With every punch comes a different thread of thought.

I know Mia and I'm sure she was different before we met, of course, she was, but how could she have been attracted to a man like him?

We all do stupid things when we're young, I guess.

But then again people change so maybe Mia wasn't the one who changed their connection.

It must have been him.

Which only means that the prick I confronted last night must have been a decent human being at some point. Mia wouldn't have had anything to do with him overwise, even if she was young and dumb and in love.

Jesus, could she really have been in love with that guy?

I'm gonna have to find out somehow.

If she's anything like me, and I hope to god she is, then she didn't know what love really was as a teenager. Hell, I only know what true love feels like because of her. Sure I thought I knew before Mia and I crossed paths but now that I have her in my life, I have the real answer.

At least Mia had the good sense to dump the guy, eventually. He obviously has no sense if he let her leave, if he let himself turn into someone she would hate.

'My one and only previous relationship ended badly', that's what she said over dinner at mums. 'It was over before it began'.

Jesus, my girl can be bloody cryptic.

She did get one thing wrong though. Mia said he couldn't find her and didn't care if he did but that was the opposite of the truth.

He was looking for her, he does care.

It gives me the worst feeling.

She's not in danger, is she? At the very least Mia won't ever be alone with Hunter and me around.

The worst part of all of this is that she had no idea he was looking. I know Mia wasn't lying when she told my sister she thought she was safe from him but obviously, she wasn't...isn't. Because there is no way he came to that party looking for me. Carolina was but Edmund was looking for Mia and somehow he knew about the two of us.

How did he find out?

I continue with my punches, swapping angles and shifting intensities, following Mark when he gives me instruction. Physically it's an incredible release but it's doing little to ease my mind.

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