24: Pumpkin' Lovin' (Part 1)

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(Irresistible Ch. 24: Traumatized By A Pumpkin)

Mia's not going to like this.

I already know she's not going to like this.

And yet, I'm still doing it.

I'm a man on a mission... "Mission Pumpkin' Lovin'".

I slow down to the schools speed limit and drive around aimlessly as I dial her number. The moment she picks up my heart leaps in my chest at her sweet hello.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Well it's a Monday night Harry so school work, writing, eating a box of White Cheddar Cheese Crackers, and then crashing in bed before I can brush my teeth probably."

I love how honest she is. I'm sure she didn't mean it to come off as necessarily funny but she always makes me laugh and I hope I do the same for her.

And tonight I'm going to test out a lot of material to do just that.

"Even though all that sounds fun, you have to cancel it."

Please say yes or else I'm the loser who drove all the way out here to pick up a girl who doesn't want to hang out with me.


"Yep," I let the word pop through the phone. "You're coming over to mine and we're carving pumpkins."

"Eww, why would we do that?"

Initially my heart sinks at her answer. Currently my kitchen is completely covered in pumpkins. What am I going to do if she doesn't want to carve them? I'll just be this crazy person who bought out the pumpkin patch out of the last of their pumpkins and invaded my house with them.

You know what, I'll jump that hurdle when I get to it. It was an odd answer but I'll roll with it, this is Mia afterall.

"Do you not know what today is?"

And I'm met with silence.

Does she not celebrate Halloween?

Well she is now.

"It's Halloween Mia and we are going to celebrate."

"Okay I guess?" Little more excitement would be nice but she agreed to come over so that's a success. "I'll be back at my house in about 45 minutes so see you in an hour?"

And this is the part of the conversation she gets pissed at me. She's never told me outright to not come here but Mia is a very guarded person and I don't think me being spotted here, at her school, would be appreciated.

Not to mention Jeff would absolutely hate it.

Funny those two. They clearly don't like eachother but they agree on one very major thing, Mia and I not being seen together.

I know Jeff's reasons but not her's.

Can't linger on that now, we have some pumpkins and wieners to attend to and if this night goes as planned the tofu ones won't be the only ones getting wrapped tonight.

Still too soon Harry, you want to kiss her tonight, not fuck her.

"Actually I'm pulling up now."

"I just said I'm at school Harry, you'll be stuck outside the house for awhile. Monica isn't even there and I don't have a hide-a-key so–"

Oh boy.

"Woah Mia, take a breath." I say trying not to laugh. "I'm at your school."

"What!" She screams.

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