Turning around you were about to ask the other two about it, but they were still in their own little world giggling and texting each other. Not wanting to bother yourself with those two's antics, you decided to head to class.

As you made your way over you pulled out a small composition book you started to write down your information and findings in, kind of like your own version of a notebook like the one Jimin's mom wrote. Your eyes lasering over each color coded word you wrote line by line as you were taking any small window of time to work on it, or at least try to make new discovery or connection. Figuring one of your random 'what ifs' you were throwing would eventually stick.

From what the notebook could tell you, it seemed like thankfully your dad never had a hand in killing Jimin's mom, but his alias was written in random spots followed with a different combination of numbers. Each combination drastically different without any similarity or correlation to the other codes written. Did Hobi give me information or a whole ass scooby doo movie script.

As you turned the hallway and neared your destination, you began to shift your attention from reading to listening to the wild clamoring of voices trying to speak over each other. You were confused as you got to class since there was a small herd of upper class girls standing by the doorway. You stopped to check the door maker to make sure you weren't on the wrong floor. Nope, that still says class 2-B.. You grumbled to yourself in thought.

Another group of girls nearly sent you flying into the wall considering the ramming speed they were going at to get the doorway where the others were crowded. Taking a deep breath you kept your head down as you roughly shoved through the mob to get into your classroom. Finally getting inside the old English classroom, you started to sigh out in relief but stopped halfway.

"Fuck me.." The words left your mouth quite loudly and faster than you could catch, you quickly covered your mouth afterwards. While quickly hiding your notebook behind your back.

"Where?" An all too smug Namjoon asked. Who was currently wearing his "substitute" attire, which consisted of a tucked in button up with black slacks and a red tie.

You scoffed in disbelief at his retort considering other students were most likely watching and listening to them, "Excuse me?"

"Where, are your manners Ms. [L/n]. Young ladies such as yourself shouldn't be cussing, let alone in the professional mature environment of a classroom." He casually answered you while wiping his glasses off on his sleeve. Taking note in how he was overly using his somewhat intelligent vocabulary as a lame form of flexing. "If you could be so kind as to finding your seat, I'll be more than happy to begin the lecture."

Sending one last death glare his way, you stormed to the back of the room as you turned you sneakily slipped the notebook back in front of you to avoid Namjoon's prying eyes. Finding safety in the corner desk against the wall where you avoided Namjoon's overwhelming cockiness. You heard him talk to the mob of girls at the door, probably saying something to get them to leave. You looked up from your desk as you had your arms laying over the desk. Just in time to see Namjoon close the door before striding over to the center front of the classroom.

You scrunched your whole face up in disgust as you saw a few girls in your class start to turn to their friends to talk about him, while others basically just panty dropped at the 'hot' substitute teacher. You watch Namjoon swipe a folder off the desk and paw through it as he pulled different papers out. You assumed that was your teacher's lesson plan he left behind- well not anymore since Namjoon just threw the folder away.

"Today class we're going to do something interesting." Namjoon said with a bright smile as he just stunned everyone by throwing away the lesson plan. You were stunned for a bit behind you turned suspicious as to why he threw it away. Surely your actually teacher did leave some bullshit of a lesson plan but still, how could Namjoon confidently redirect an entire class. You leaned back into your seat, kind of feeling excited for what other curve balls he was going to throw to your class.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now