Chapter 30

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I look around the room that is deadly silent. All eyes are on me, waiting for more explanation.

"Why the hell would Dauntless attack a bunch of Stiff's?" Uriah ask.

"They're working with Erudite. Erudite made a deal with Eric and Max, they allow Erudite to use their army in exchange for council positions in the new Government."

"How do you know that. It sounds crazy Four, no offense."

"I became suspicious when there were so many new rules put in place for last initiation. I watched Eric and Max while working in the control room, they would have late night meetings, and often left the compound in the middle of the night. I installed mirroring software on Max's computer which showed emails back and forth between Erudite, talking about our initiation processes and showed extreme interest in our fear landscape. It was brought to my attention to Erudite is attempting to create a serum that Divergents wouldn't be immune to. Tris then witnessed Eric with Jeanine Matthews in our compound talking to Eric about how to identify Divergents and that they are actively hunting them. Zeke then witnessed Erudite bringing in supplies to Dauntless, and was able to obtain this." I hold up the serum Zeke had retrieved from the loading docks.

"Shauna guarded the storage room where the equipment is, she was able to get a look at maps and plans that Tris was able to identify as Abnegation. And now, a second initiation will be held that is open to the Factionless  Or anyone not happy with their current Faction with an extended age range and shorter initiation time. My theory, we need more bodies for soldiers as well as allowing Factionless into initiation, opens the door for Erudite for a larger search for Divergents."

Uriah's face is pale, Zeke has his eyes closed clearly distraught about his younger brother. Lauren is wide eyed and in shock and Shauna looks disgusted.

"What are you expecting us to do Four? Betray our Faction to help some Divergents? They're criminals anyways." Shauna crosses her arms and Zeke is now staring at her with fire and rage.

"This isn't really about the Divergents. They're a part of a grander scheme, really this is about Abnegation. They're an unarmed Faction that will not fight back made up of mostly women and children." I say crossing my arms. I understand why Shauna is acting the way she is, if you're not Divergent, you only know what the world tells us about them. They're Dangerous."

Zeke stands up, drawing the attention to him. "My family has been Dauntless from the beginning of Chicago after the war. You will never find anyone more devoted to our Faction than Uriah and I. But I think I can speak for us both, we will not murder innocent people, that is not Dauntless. We all chose Dauntless because we said we were brave. Sometimes we have to be brave enough to stand against doing the wrong thing. This is wrong, and we need to do something."

"I agree." Lauren and Shauna say in unison.

"Alright then. Based on Zeke's discovery, I would say Erudite is going to use a simulation, similar to the ones we use during initiation to control Dauntless soldiers into attacking Abnegation. We suspect that equipment and the serum is being stored here in the compound. Perhaps we could target the equipment, it won't stop the war, I am sure Erudite has more. But it could slow things down." I wait for any further feedback before continuing.

"The attack is most likely going to occur shortly after this initiation, which was accelerated by two weeks. That gives us eight weeks to come up with an idea and execute it."

"What about the Factionless?" Zeke ask.

"What about them?" I give him a puzzled look.

"What if we stopped them from participating, like informed them on what is going to happen."

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