Chapter 20

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Tonight is the night Tris and I will go into Abnegation to seek the help of her mother. I try to keep my head clear and focused on getting in and out undetected, but I cannot shake the fear of coming face to face with Marcus.

Natalie recognized me on visiting day, she may not have pointed it out, but her face gave it away. What will she think when she once again see's me with her daughter, what if her disapproval is as it was in Tris' landscape, it would crush her.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the turning of a key, Tris. I allowed her to keep the spare key I gave her, instructing her to use it anytime. It is just after lunch, so I suspect she just parted ways with Christina and Will for the day.

"Hey." I say walking towards her after she makes her way through the door. She looks and smells incredible, it only takes me three steps to reach her pulling her in for a kiss. She taste cool and fresh, like water on a hot day.

"Hey to you too." She mumbles against my lips not wanting to break the kiss.

As she deepens the kiss she lets off a slight moan into my mouth, it fuels the fire that is already running through me. Without breaking the kiss my hand reaches up and finds the zipper of her jacket slowing pulling it down, giving her time to stop me if she wants. Her hands wrap around my neck and entangle in my hair pulling me closer. I slide my hands up her sides to push her jacket off her shoulder, allowing it to crash to the floor.

I begin to trail open mouth kisses across her jaw and down her neck. Tris' grip on me becomes tighter, encouraging me to go further. I rest one hand on her hip allowing my thumb to slip under her tank top, brushing her bare skin. The sensation provokes a deep groan from my throat. My other hand grabs the strap of her tank top, pulling it down just far enough to allow my tongue to assault the skin beneath. Tris winces at the action causing me to immediately stop and pull back.

"Too far?" I ask her concerned. She shakes her head no at me, she looks down at her shoulder drawing my attention to a new bandage that I must have snagged. My brows furrow. "Are you hurt?" I ask as I run my finger tips lightly over the bandage.

"Not really, I got a new tattoo, I just wanted to keep it covered for now."

"Can I see it?" I ask her curiously. She nods and smiles at me, I carefully pull the corner of the bandage back and study the new ink. The symbol for Abnegation, I can't help but smile and I place the bandage back in place.

"Do you like it?"

"I do, I actually have the same one, on my back." I say with a slight laugh.

"Really? Can I see it?" She ask me excitedly. I instantly become nervous, the only person I have ever taken my shirt off for is Marcus before he would rip flesh from my back during a beating. I push those thoughts away.

"Are you asking me to undress Tris?" I ask her slyly.

She gives me a nervous laugh. "Only partially." I nod before slowing unzipping my own jacket, my eyes fixated on her. My breathing picks up as I slip it off. My hands come to the hem of my shirt, hesitating at the thought that she will not only see my tattoo but also the hundreds of scars covered by it. Her eyes look kind and full of anticipation.

In one swift motion I pull my shirt over my head tossing it to the side. My eyes instantly start to wonder, nervous of her reaction to me as well as feeling more bare than I ever have. "What is it?" She ask me, taking notice that I look uncomfortable.

"I don't invite many people to look at me, any people really." I say quietly.

"I can't imagine why, I mean look at you." Her face now carrying a slight tint of pink. I can't help but smile at the thought she finds me attractive. I watch as she slowly walks behind me, her fingers trailing my arm. I feel her fingers begin to run down my back, tracing each faction symbol framed by flames.

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