Chapter 27

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Warning: This chapter contains physical violence, sexual assault references, as well as demeaning sexual language.
The violent banging my door rips my eyes open. I stumble to my feet, trying to balance myself as pain rips through my body.

"Four! Four! Open this damn door now!" Zeke. I let out a breath as I try to walk, careful not to trip over the remains of my apartment. Shattered furniture and glass threaten my every step.

"I know you're in there fucker. We need to talk right now." My breaths quicken and suddenly all the pain crashes down as memories of last night flood back.

Eric stands there, twisting one of the rings in his eyebrow, wearing a sickening smile. "Just a foolish girl, that tried to kiss you." His eyes are dark as he watches me carefully.

"What the fuck are you implying?" My fist are clenched and I feel Tris' hand on my back, reminding me she is here.

He just stares at me, doing nothing to hide his please smirk. "Oh come now Four. Don't get all defensive on me. I am happy you finally found someone to fuck."

"We're not fucking, Eric." I hiss at him.

"Ohhhh that's right, you don't fuck anyone do you Stiff?" He starts laughing hysterically.

"We're done here." I push Tris along, trying to get her away as quickly as possible.

"It's cute you're so loyal to your old Factions morals. Don't worry though, the next time I catch her out alone, I'll break her in since you're too scared to. At least one of you would have some Dauntless in you."

My body turns cold and I see red. I turn violently, lunging at Eric who is caught off guard. We both fall to the ground, I see Tris run from the corner of my eye. Good, I don't want her to see me take a life. My fist collide repeatedly, the only sense I feel is the ache and cracking of my knuckles.

Other members start to gather around, no one dares to interfere. This is the fight that everyone has waited for. Eric manages to push me back enough to free his body from under mine.

He looks around nervously at the growing crowd of onlookers who are now placing bets on who will win. His face burns red when he realizes the crowds are not in his favor.

His posture is raged and his face shows the beating he's already taken. He steps closer, I stand still, my arms crossed in arrogance with my eyebrow raised at him. I am distracted by quick movements through the crowd. Tris with Zeke in tow. Eric takes the opportunity to swing, his fist impacting my temple hard enough to blur my vision momentarily.

In an instant his knee is brought to my stomach, effectively knocking the wind from my lungs. The impact only enrages me, my hand is around his throat, pushing him to the ground. I deliver fierce blows to his jaw, aiming at ripping the ring from his lip.

He grins at me, blood lining his teeth. "What the hell are you smiling at?" My fist drawn back ready to finish him.

"Just thinking about how tight she must be, and how sweet her tears will be when I show her no mercy. You won't be here to protect her anymore, not after this." His words send chills through my body, he is right.

"What do you want?" I ask him quietly, the rage evident in my voice.

"Lose." I should have known. I am not a prideful man, but to lose to Eric in front of Dauntless is trifling. I know Tris is watching terrified, and it's only about to get worse. I loosen my grip on him, giving him a small nod in compliance.

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