Chapter 25

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I slide my body down to sit, leaning my head back against the wall. The screeching and screaming of the train only diving me further into hell. Decide not to show and she will pay the price.

I sigh, dropping my head between my legs for a moment, wondering how I am back here again. The jerking of the car reminds me it's almost time to jump. I pull myself up, steadying my gun hidden beneath my shirt.

My feet hit the ground, the impact jolting my entire body, the night is still and cold as I walk. Meet me where you buried your happiness. Only the outline of the small stones can be seen by the reflection of the moon, I don't need to see though. I have walked this path a million times over my childhood.

I slow my steps as I approach, Marcus is no where to be seen. Evelyn Eaton - Devoted Wife - Loving Mother. I scoff, thinking of how many times I ran here to escape Marcus, hoping to draw strength and protection from this mound of dirt, only to find out a decade later it was all in vein.

I whip around at the sound of footsteps approaching. It's a sound that has haunted my nightmares for years. My gun is pulled and aimed as I watch him get closer.

"Put that away, you're not stupid enough to kill a faction leader on Abnegation grounds, with a Dauntless issued weapon at that." His voice hisses at me. I slowly lower the weapon, although I would in fact kill him, he is right, I can't do it here, in this way.

"What do you want Marcus?" My jaw is clinched. I purposely stand straighter to let it be known I am bigger.

He just smiles at me. The look makes my stomach churn, it's the look he always had when he was one step ahead of me. "What I want, is for you and that little bitch of yours to know your place in this world. Did you really think I would believe she would bring you to her parents for their approval. That girl has been defiant to Abnegation since she could walk." His eyes don't leave mine. "You think you're smart, sniffing around my faction, using Natalie Prior for information. You're in over your head, you don't know what you've seen and heard. Let this be a warning, whatever you're doing, stops now."

"What makes you think I would listen to you. That I would stand back and allow my faction to be used, my old faction to be murdered." My voice not faltering. I am not Tobias today, I am Four-Dauntless legend.

I turn to walk away, I kept my end of the bargain by showing. "Beatrice is very smart and curious isn't she? Not the prettiest girl, you could have defiantly of done better son. But smart she is, almost Erudite smart, wouldn't you say?"

I fiercely turn to face him at the words. "Did you really think her aptitude test were hidden? It would be a shame for Jeanine Matthews's to discover them." I try to hide my fear.

"Why would she care? What does Tris being Divergent matter?" I try my best to stay calm.

He just laughs, it sounds like poison spilling out. "Dear boy, Divergent. You're Divergent, I am Divergent, she, she is well, what we have been looking for for a very long time."

We? Is he involved with Jeanine? Why would he help her knowing she is looking for Divergents. "Why?" I demand as if it will do any good.

"There is a message, from our founders hidden somewhere in Chicago. No one knows where, every leader has looked for decades and failed. Jeanine though, she believes Abnegation has it hidden." I try to comprehend his words, all of this for a message from the people that built this city. "To open the message you need what is called a pure, someone capable to hold the aptitude of all five factions."

I shake my head. "That's not Tris. She only has the three, I've seen it. I ran her simulations."

"So you're telling me that she isn't selfless, kind, smart, brave, and honest? She was able to manipulate her aptitude test, that is why she only showed the three."

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