Chapter 8

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I wake before Tris and slip out of bed, trying not to disturb her. A moment of doubt plagues my mind that she may regret sleeping next to me in the morning light. I quickly correct the sheets, erasing the evidence I was ever there.

When I walk out of the bathroom still drying the water from my hair. Tris is standing, looking in the mirror as she pulls her hair back. I observe her momentarily, thinking of a time not so long ago that her looking in a mirror would be forbidden.

I clear my throat to announce my presence. Tris turns towards me and a blush instantly crosses her face. It takes me a moment to realize, she is staring at the skin exposed on my lower abdomen. I try not to smirk, pulling it back before it forms.

I walk over to her and bring my fingertips up to her bruised cheek. "Not bad, how's your head?"

"It's fine." I know she is lying about being in pain. I can the large mass protruding from her hair.

I drop my hand down to her side where she displayed a bruise, apparently from being kicked. "And your side?"

"Only hurts when I breathe."

I can't help but smile, even in pain she still is witty. "Not much you can do about that."

"Peter would probably throw a party if I stopped breathing." Her face finally forms a smile.

"Well, I would only go if there was cake." I smirk at her, hoping to give her a glimpse of me as a real person, not just an instructor.

Tris laughs at my comment and then winces in pain, her hand covers mine to steady her ribs. It is only then I realize I had never removed my hand from her side. Her fingers timidly stroke the top of mine, I swallow hard making sure my eyes don't leave hers. I slowly pull my hand back, my fingertips grazing hers as I do. The contact makes me shiver and I can't help but wonder if I have the same affect on her.

I clear my throat, my voice is full of nerves. "We should go to breakfast, training will start soon. I press my hand between her shoulder blades leading her through the door.

On the walk to the cafiteria, I move slower to ensure Tris can keep up. Suddenly, she grabs my arm to stop me. "Four." Her voice is shaken and she begins to nervously fidget. "Last night, before the attack I heard voices in the hallway. I went to listen and that is when Peter grabbed me."

I give her a puzzled look not sure where she is going with this.

"It was Eric, he was speaking to a woman, I think it was Jeanine Matthews." She says.

I stop her. This is not a safe place to talk about this.

I lead her towards the cafeteria. "I will come find you tonight to finish that discussion." She reluctantly nods. I know this is where we need to part ways. I sigh knowing I am about to send Tris to face her attacker's alone.

"I'll go in first." I take a deep breath and stare into her eyes just for a moment before leaving her.

I search the cafeteria for Zeke and take a seat beside him.

I can't help but keep my eyes on Tris. My heart sinks when I spot Uriah abandoning his food to go comfort her. I know he is with Marlene now, and would protect Tris if needed, but for selfish reasons I want to be the one sitting next to her. As her friends gather around her, concerned for her safety, I am satisfied that they will keep her safe through the remainder of initiation.

Zeke catches me staring and nudges me. "What happened to her?"

Shauna and Laruen are now listening as well.

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