chapter 33(more)

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☆little smut warning☆

Rye's pov

Me and Andy are now on a boat. I cant take my eyes off this beautiful boy sitting in front of me.

 I cant take my eyes off this beautiful boy sitting in front of me

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He is wearing a black shade and it makes him more gorgeous.

He talked nonstop, talking and talking and talking and iam not irritated. Iam enjoying, the way of his talking and his angelic voice.
I love him.
I love him fucking soo much.

Tonight I want to give him some more.
I smirked myself.

"Why are you smirking?" He asked frowning

"Thinking about tonight" I said and bit my lip.

He gulped and give me his sweet smile.
I smiled back.

I really want to spoil him, wreck him but I cant. I dont want to fuck him. I want make love to him. Not today, even if he is ready not now. He need time. He is soo fucking innoccent that iam not dare to touch him sometimes.

We reached back on the beach and we had lunch on the restaurant.

"Andy there is an aquarium on a resort" I said

"Really, can we go" he said excitedly.

"Sure baby" I kissed his head

As we entered the aquarium his eyes lit up. He watched every single fish carefully.

"Rye look at that theres a shark" he said dragging me to the big glass.

He looked at the shark carefully. He put his finger on the glass.

"Its not touching his nose on my finger" he said pouting

I laughed

"Shall I beat him" I asked playfully

"Mmm" he think for a moment
"No, he dont deserve me. Let him live" he said and dragged me to another glass.

"Thats a big crab" he said

"If you want it I can tell them to bring it" I said

"Rye I dont want it. What do I do with a crab. To cut my hair?" he said giggling.
I laughed

"Put me down Rye, I can walk" he struggled around my arms

"No your knees are hurt" I said

A while ago Andy tripped down on his knees and his knees has a big bruise.......not big its small but when my baby hissed in pain, my heart felt a load. So decided to pick him.

"Put me down, iam soo heavy. You cant walk to the car like this. The car is far away" he said

"I dont care, but its true that you are heavy" I said

"Yeah I know iam heavy. So put me down Beaumont" he struggles

"Yeah you are heavy, look at those thick thighs" I said smirking

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