chapter 9(I love him?)

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Andy's pov

Now iam sitting in my bed and staring him. Rye. Who was standing beside the window and talking to someone in his phone.

"I told you I wont come today" rye said through the phone.

Maybe he got some big work today and he is not going because he want to stay with me.

After the call he came to me and sit beside me.
"Rye. You have work today? It seems a busy work" I said

"No. Its not a big deal. My friend will handle it" he said
"Do you have lot of friends?"I asks
He chuckles
"Only one. My best friend. We are childhood friends" he said
"I only have two friends. Jack and Brook" I said
He smiled

Then my mom came with a soup in her hand.

Actually I have little fever now.

"Andy drink this or should I feed you" she asked

"Mom iam not a baby" my cheeks heatened a little because rye was standing near the bed and smiling.
"But I always feed you"she said
He felt my little awkward uncomfertableness. So he leave the room.

"Mom why are you saying by feeding me in front of him" I whined
"Andy I always feed you"she said
I nodded
"Then talk about this guy" she says and smiled
"Dont say he is your friend iam not gonna believe that" she said.
"Mom I havnt tell you a lot stories" I said
"Then tell me we have time till this soup finishes"

I told every bit of thing including the kiss. And the soup is also finished.

"Ok answer some of my questions" she said
I nodded

"Did you feel like someone pinching your tummy when you see him?" She asks
"Yes" I bushed
"Aww my baby is blushing" she said "did you smile without realising you have to smile or not when you see him?"
"Yes I do" I said
"Did you feel safe around him than me?" She asks
"Mom nothing is s-" she interrupted
"Andy no problem I dont feel bad. I will be happy that you will feel more safe. I dont care whoever it is. I want you to bhappy baby" she kissed my forehead.
"So answer my question"
"Yes I do feel safe with him" I said
"Okay I got my real answer" she said and satand up
"And what is that?" I chuckled
"You are in love andy" she said and leave the room.

Am I in love? This is what love is?

Then rye came in and beside me. Place his palm in my head.
"Your temperature is down r8ght now"he said
I smiled
I stare at him he looks at me . We staring each other
"What are you thinking baby" he asked
I dont why but my answer just slipped from my mouth.....

"Can I get a kiss?"

His eyes widen a little then he smirks.

He cupped my cheeks in voth of his hands and leaned to me his hot breath touched my lips I felt a shiver in my spines. Then he touched his smooth and hard lips into mine. I felt like its the first time. Our lips moved in sync together then he sucked my bottom lip and pulled away with a pop sound. He smiled and smiled back. He placed his forehead in mine he took a deep breath.
"You know, your lips feel like cotton candy" he said
I pulled away and looked him confused
"What? Cotton candy? Why?"
He smiled
"Its soo soft and sweet" he said

I blushed and cover my face with my hands and keep my head down.
He laughed. His laugh is beautiful

He take my hands away and raised my head.

"Dont cover your beautiful face"he said
I smiled
"Can-can I cuddle you?" I asked
He doesnt say anything. He hugged me and lay with me. His arms holding me completly.

Hmm.he hummed
"What are we?" I mumbled in his chest.
"What do you want us to be? "He asked
"Rye. Do you love me?" I asks him
Then I raise my head to look up to him. He looks down at me.
"More than you know" he said and kissed my head
"I want to be your-your boyfriend. But-"
"But rye I dont know you well. We just met few days. I would like to know more about you. Everything about you. Like what do you do in free time, how you look in your sleep, how you work in your office....every single thing about you." I said

He looked shocked . Then smiled.

"We can spent soo much time together" he said
I smiled

"Oh andy you forgot something" he said
"What?" I asked confusedly
"Tomorrow is your birthday babe" he said

Seriously!!!! I just forgot my own birthday and this man, who I met 5 days before reminding me that its my birthday tomorrow.
How did he even know its my birthay?

"How do you know its my birthday?" I asked him with wide smile.

"I know very much things about you" he said "oh and happy early birthday" he said

I smiled " thankyou" I said

"No one ever greeted my birthday other than my mom, brook and jack. I think I got someone else too." Is said looking at him.

He smiled.

"It means you get 3 presents every year?" he asked
"Yeah" I said

He thinks of something and smiled at me
"What? " i asked
"Nothing" he said

"You should sleep right now" he said
"Its just 1pm rye" I said
"So what you should take rest" he said
I nodded
"Rye tomorrow is sunday. So I think you dont have work right?" I asked
"Come to the point andy. Asks directly" he said
"Will you spend time with me tomorrow?"
"That was my plan tomorrow"

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