chapter 29(loving more)

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Rye's pov

I woke up as no one besides me. I jumped out from the bed and hurried outside the room to find Andy.

I heard a music which is coming from the kitchen. I go there and let out a reliefed breath to see him.

There he was cooking something and slowly swaying his hips matching to the rythm of the music. He was only wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.The sight was beautiful, his back is facing me so he didnt see me. I admired the beauty in front of me and remain silent.

He turned and gasped.
I chuckled.

"God, Rye stop scaring me" he said smiling

"Sorry" I said
I walked towards him and wrapped my arms on his waist, He wrapped his on my neck.

"You are soo beautiful" I whispers

He blushed

"So you are" he said

"I need a morning kiss" I said

He didnt say anything he leaned and give me a kiss on my lips.

"Now brush your teeth and have breakfast" he said

I pouted but do what he said.

When I came back after doing morning things I saw he was talking to someone on the phone.

I sat besides him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He leaned to me. He is talking to his mom.

"Yes.....sure.....I you" he said these words and hang the phone.

"You miss her?" I asked him

"A little" he said and smiled
"She is going to beach with her best friend and biscuit" he said happily

"Thats nice" I said

"Lets have our breakfast" he said


Andy's pov

Now we are on beach sitting on the sand, holding hands and smiling. No words just feeling the beautiful silence.
Atlast Rye break the silence.

"Get up, into the water" he said and get up.

He stretched his hand to get me up. I took his hand and got up from the sand.

He take off his shirt. I cant help I stared at his abs. He smirks.

"Are you taking off your shirt or do you want me to take off yours?" He asked smirking.

I blushed and shocked at his words.
I remain silent just stairing at him.

"You are not saying anything so I choose second option" he said and came closer to me.

well I dont mind...

He put his hands on my hips and slowly take off my shirt, I was still staring at him.

He looked at my belly and smiled.

"Stop looking at it, I dont have abs like you" I said pouting and covering my belly.

He chuckled and removed my hands.
Hr kneeled and place a kiss on my belly.
I shivered.

He looked up to me still kneeling.
"You have have a cute tummy. You dont need abs" he said wrappind his arms around my hips.

I smiled at him then I realize we are in public. There are some people out here.

"Rye there are some people" I said as I intervined my fingers in his hair.

The Billionere and The Cute Boy(Randy Fanfiction) ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu