Truths been told

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It was Saturday finally , I was currently getting ready to go over to Damon's house. I needed answers ,  why were they keeping jean hostage ?

Alexa filled me in about that , Damon wouldn't be happy about that if he found out she told me .

" hey sweetie you going out?" I look to See my mom
coming in my room.

" yeah just going over to my friend Alexa's house, your gonna have to meet her one of these days ." I tell her with a smile , it amazes me the friendship I built with her .

" how about tonight ? You can have a sleepover with the girls ?" I smiled at that idea , I definitely needed boys around just us girls .

" that sounds great , I'll text them right now. " she nodded and kissed my cheek , I smiled and she went to her room to watch tv . My phone then ringed.

" hello ?" I say ,

" hey babe , how are you ?" Jake asked me , he has been worried about me ever since the incident, I don't blame him though , I would be the same way .

" I'm good , great now that you called me ." I smiled , I heard him chuckle at my cheesiness.

" that's good , I'm coming to get you , it's nice out mine as well enjoy it right? " my eyes widened, he can't come I'm going to talk to damon .

" I'm sorry I can't right now , I'm going shopping with my mom , I'm having a sleepover tonight we need snacks. " I quickly lied . I didn't want to lie but..what choice did I have ?

" oh okay sounds fun , call me when you get back okay ? " he says calmly,

" okay , I'll see you soon." I then hang up , I let out a sigh . I hate lying but he wouldn't let me go near him if he knew what I was doing.

I use my moms car to go to his house , she was off she didn't need her car today. Time to get answers.


I was at my house making emails to some of my men to stay clear of jean and if they see her, they need to report back to me ASAP .

" no sign of her yet Damon , they haven't seen her anywhere. " James walked in with his phone in his hand texting , I ran my hand through my hair , I sighed and shut my laptop.

" that's what she does, she hides , she'll come out least expected, " He nodded agreeing with me , the papers she wants is still here, she's not going to give up that easy .

Me and James looked at each other at the same time when we heard the front door open , I grabbed my gun and ran out the room towards the living room , James followed .

" oh shit ." James muttered , my eyes widened ,what the fuck ?

" hello Damon" jean said , I flared with anger , not because she was here , but because she has Mia held captive , I look at Mia and she looked frightened.

jean had a pistol pointed right at her .

" what the fuck do you want ?" I said in a death tone , I wanted to attack her right then and there but I know Jean will shoot.

" watch how you talk to me damon, I could end her life in seconds ." she smirked,

" let her go , right now." I say as my jaw clenches ,

" first , let's talk ."


I got in my car and began to drive to Damon's house, I called Jenna , she picked up immediately.

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