
Jin: h.no. 45, yeongdon district, south of seoul.

Jin: spend some time with your dad for the time being.

Can i just marry you :Jackson

Jin: not in a million years

Thank you so much jin :Jackson

Jin: whatever

Ur not as bad as i thought :Jackson

Jin: sorry can't say the same for you

Meanie :Jackson

But thanks anyway :Jackson

It means alot to me :Jackson



It had been an awful lot of time since Jackson last saw his dad and throughout that time only god knew how much he missed the person. finally being able to get such a chance to meet the man again somehow caused his heart to do a ninety degree flip, he was both excited and happy. He wondered how long it had been since he last felt like this. Afterall, his miserable life never offered him anything good.

He thought about taking Sunmi with him but to his surprise, she declined the offer.

It was suspicious for her to do so. He knew that she too was in the same state as him, that she also missed their father but why was it that she refused this opportunity to see him again?

Maybe she had other plans but what could be more important than this?

Eventually he shrugged it off and convinced himself that maybe she was too overwhelmed, maybe she was scared to meet him again or maybe she just needed some time to process everything for herself.

He packed up his bags and headed to the given address with high expectations of meeting his father.

And the second the two first saw eachother again, they both cried due to happiness and gladness and hugged eachother tightly as if the world depended on it.

"I missed you, son." Were the first words Mr. Wang uttered

"I missed you too...... appa." Jackson replied and softly cried on his fathers shoulders.

Such a wonderful scene of reunion unfolded infront.

At that moment it seemed as though time had gone back and it wasn't the grown up, adult Jackson hugging his middle aged father but a little boy hugging his young father.

Time can surely heal wounds.

At the other part of the city, back in gangnam was Sunmi sitting infront of you and your friends, talking and laughing along with you, enjoying your time together or atleast you thought she was. Little did you know what was actually going through her mind as she schemed against you. Your friends were as blinded as you and didn't suspect anything wrong well almost all of them, Taehyung however, was not pleased by her fake smiles, he just couldn't shake off this bad feeling about her.

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