'Don't kid around Ella, the snowstorm is coming and blows us away if we still not reach your house'

I really wanna turn back and shout "Then why don't you rush to your place!!" but the weather didn't stay on my side. Many big snows kept falling now and I urged to roll under my blanket for this cold day.


-Ting Tong-

' (=_=)'

'Ah, eonnie! why're you so late!!? Ehhh.. Hahahaha where've been, eonnie!? Have you fallen in the snow pond or what??' I ignored Anne loud laugh over my shabby look and quick entered the apartment.

Because I'd tried to run away from him, the results: I froze to death and he stuck to me like a chewing gum as now!

'Ehhh!! o.O'

'Annyeonghaseyo ^^'

'Le-Leo oppa!!!? O.O'

 I grabbed a towel and gave it to Taekwoon when he already reached the living room.

What was about Anne?? There, her wide-open eyes were staring at Taekwoon as if he was a migrant from the Jupiter! Her jaw dropped and seemed to shock to death since he wore off the disguise and waved her hello.

'Eonnie eonnie eonnie!!!!' Anne with her surprising face rushed to me as I held my bedroom's doorknob but sorry I didn't want to meet that guy in the living room!!




- Knock knock knock-

'Eonnie eonnie! Open the door!!'


'Ahh, don't be like this, eonnie!! Why is Leo oppa here!!?? Tell me!! I'm about to faint now!!'

'I don't know too, go ask him!' I replied in a low voice like Anne since the unwelcome guest may have heard our conversation.

'Ahh, eonnie!! Tell me something!! He's here in our house!! He smiled at me, eonnie!! The main vocal of Vixx is here!! What should I do??'

'Ask him to sing for you then..'

'Eonnie!! If you don't come out, I'll give him your bedroom's key!!'

'And I won't let you meet other members, especially the dimple guy!' I threatened, though it was impossible to happen since this was the last meeting of us!

'Hong Bin oppa!?! Ahhh my binnie!! Okayx3 I won't give him but you should tell me what to do now!! Or just open the door and I can go hide with you, eonniee!!'

'I am not hiding!! Just chase him away or use your epic voice to scare him back home!'

'I cannot!! The light over his figure is stabbing my eyes ♡.♡ Ahh, he's soooooo gorgeous in person!! Also he knows tae kwon do!'

'Then use your kung fu'

'Arhhh, I'm a cutie girl! Don't know this kind of thing!'

'Really? Okay, I'll call Mr. Lee that you want to cancel his kung fu class, emm.. This also saves my cost of living'

'Eonnie!! Aniyo!! The seniors are so handsome, please don't cancel it'

'Go away then and don't forget to drag him out too'

'Ahh, meanie eonnie!!'


There was a loud bang on my bedroom door, later on I heard no more Anne's complain.

Fuuuuu, finally I could breathe. I lied on my bed and rolled over.

Many things popped in my head till I could not arrange them in parts.

I gazed at the ceiling as if the pizza was hanging up there.

Ahhhh, anyone came here and told me what to do pleaseee!!

zzzzzzzzzZzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ -_-zzzzzZz

' Ahhhh, go away!!!'

' O.O'

I quickly opened my eyes and sat up.

Oh my!! What was that scary nightmare!! What did I just see!!??

That best friend of mine who left for so long..

He returned and clung to me back home!!

That Taekwoon who asked to end our best friend relationship as he had got a girlfriend himself!!

Oh gosh!! Why did I dream he was kissing me while holding that eonnie's hand!!?

I shook my head to drop those stupid imaginations then grabbed the alarm clock.

6:30 pm

Hmmm... Already evening? I yawned then went washing my face.

Ahh, why was the house so quiet?

Normally, Anne would sit there and watch TV.

'Where's she??' I untied my hair and headed to the kitchen.

I opened the refrigerator and got the cold water to refresh my mind. While I was drinking happily, the chair at my left hand was being pulled and sat up immediately.

'Already get up? ^^'


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