My life is depressing, isn't it?

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If you can't tell by the chapter name. I got more news for you guys in my life. If any of you have been keeping up with this story you know about "Bree" My ex. We've forgiven each other for our fights now and things are going normal between me and her. But that's not all the news. I got bad news as well. My real life best friend who you guys know as Ava. She and I got into a huge argument because I wasn't feeling good and I snapped at her and she didn't like that. I don't know if she and I are still friends. I really hope we are because she is my best friend and I love her like a sister. I hate it when me and her fight because it like never happens and when it does its bad. I can't blame her though I have been annoying she has always been the one I go to when I'm depressed and I know she can help me. When I tried to overdose a few days ago she saved me from myself. But now, I think I messed up and I messed up bad. This was my mistake last time we fought. I relied on her too much and I feel so horrible for it. It is my fault and I admit that. I love her to the ends of the earth because she is the only "family" I have and can rely on. I guess I relied on her too much which is my mistake. I hope things get better as I give her space because that's what she wants and I can respect that. She told me she wanted to be left alone and I can grant that wish. If she reads this I want to say I'm sorry and that I will never stop caring about you. I couldn't bring myself to not care. Hell, I'm crying as I write this because I feel like I'm losing my best friend it like my heart is being teared out of my chest. Before this rambles on too long. Thanks for being here guys I would've never been this open if it wasn't for you guys. You guys are supportive and I appreciate it so much. I will see you all around then. 

Pure Placebo Out...

I'm falling apart right in front of your eyes but you don't even see me...

It's so hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember...

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