Things about myself Part 8

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(To whoever reads this please read every word their is an emotional but great story to this part. PLEASE READ EVERYTHING!)

Ava: Hey guys! Ava here and I'm joined by Pure today to do another "Things about myself" Or more like ourselves but you get the picture guys.

Pure: Yes so we're back for this with 15 more facts of course. Ava is totally not slowly taking over the account. What ludicrous idea is that!

Ava: I'm totally gonna take over Pure's Wattpad and Channel. 

Pure: Nope you can't have my channel, Ava!

Ava: Fiiinnnneee, Anyways let's get to this. #1 I love cats.

Pure: I second that. #2 I love cats as well. Sorry dog people

Ava: #3 I am like ultra depressed most of the time but Pure helps.

Pure: Conduits think alike then. #4 I'm also depressed half the time but Ava helps. We help each other.

Ava: It's what Best Friends are for. #5 As much as I am an Ice Conduit I absolutely hate the cold.

Pure: Ironic isn't it?

Ava: Shut up Pure we remember our high school days back in Seattle and how well we argued.

Pure: Yet I beat you in every argument besides that one that mattered the most.

Ava: Shut up!

Pure: *Laughs* Anyways #6 I like Ice Cream.

Ava: Well yeah who doesn't?

Pure: People that are lactose intolerant?

Ava: True anyways #7 Pure's ex straight up hates me because of I and Pure dating for like a day or two while she still had feelings for him.

Pure: Yeeaahh that's true. I don't know why she doesn't let it go. It's not like she loves me anymore. 

Ava: It's okay, Pure just let's move on.

Pure: Right #8 I like to hunt with my bow and I accidentally shot a deer in the neck.

Ava: I can vouch for that I was there to see it. Such a bloodcurdling screech and it choking on its own blood. *Shudders* Anyways #9 I have an odd obsession with blood.

Pure: It is odd but I can't judge. I'm just as weird as her.

Ava: Hey!

Pure: Okay okay you're weirder than me.

Ava: Shut up Pure!

Pure: Okay I take it back. Anyways #10 I got hit by Ava when I said the word-

Ava: Pure you better not!

Pure: Moist and her real name but I won't say it.

Ava: *smacks Pure upside the head* I will murder you if you say that again!

Pure: Okay okay. She never really hits me hard when I say it. 

Ava: I hate you sometimes Pure.

Pure: Yeah love you too Ava.

Ava: *smiles and shakes my head* Anyways, #11 I have 2 cats named Batman and Little Man. 

Pure: They're cool cats for being devil spawns.

Ava: They aren't that bad Pure.

Pure: I know I know #12 I was rated by my friends as an A- comedian.

Ava: Don't let him lie to you guys he isn't that funny.

Pure: I am too funny

Ava: Sure One line Master. #13 I love the band Skillet.

Pure: I do as well. It's kinda how we met. I was playing Skillet as I was walking through the halls of our high school and Ava actually commented on my music choice and liked it. Then like a week later I go on vacation and I confessed my feelings for her and she declined me at the time and I got with my other ex and then over a month later she texts me about she was feeling feelings for me then I admitted I still had feelings for her and we got together even though I just broke up with my ex. Then a day or two later Ava left me because she was having complications with her feelings and we split and my ex was very, very mad and jealous with me at the time I didn't understand but now I fully understand and I guess I still feel bad about it. But, I and Ava are still best friends now. My ex still hates Ava for it.

Ava: It's alright Pure. Love you, bro, <3

Pure: Thanks :) Anyways moving on #14 Ava's boyfriend hates me. I still don't know why.

Ava: Yeah it's crazy how he hates Pure. I've argued with him but he doesn't budge. Oh well, He can hate him all he wants I'm not abandoning Pure.

Pure: Thanks Ava I really needed that :)

Ava: :) No problem Pure.

Pure: Hehe it's your turn on the list.

Ava: Oh yeah hehe, #15 Pure and I are sick and it sucks.

Pure: Yeah it does anyways, This has been part 8 and I'll keep this short. I'm Pure

Ava: and I'm Ava.

Pure: Pure Placebo Out!

Ava: The Ice Reaper Out!

Things about me I guess and Co.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz