Things about myself part 6

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Well, guys, I'm back at this again with 15 more facts about myself. I didn't think I would be doing this today but I felt the urge to so let us have some fun with this shall we?

1) I have 3 sketchbooks and only 2 are filled. (Working on the 3rd one)

2) I used to have a blue streak in my hair. (Dying my hair was fun)

3) I was once a giant video gamer but it has dimmed down since my earlier years.

4) My favorite gaming series is probably pokemon

5) When I was a kid I had these things called Bakugans. (I was sad it ended but I'm sad they brought it back as a reboot.)

6) I was once a brony in my life. (I'm not anymore I just stopped because I grew up)

7) I was a huge Beyblade nerd as a kid. (I still have all mine and all my Bakugans)

8) I started collecting coins

9) I can play the guitar and a violin. (Not too amazing at a violin but I'm good with a guitar)

10) I found my new love for mystery solving and brain teasers.

11) I work at subway. (Sub making joint  Edit: Did I say this earlier?)

12) My Cat's name is Chance.

13) My hair is starting to curl like it does when it gets long. (It's at my neck length)

14) I love watching horror movies.

15) I once made a robot for my robot club that had a plasma cutter on it. (It was a fighting robot)

Well, I guess that is everything for part 6. I hope you find the facts fun and interesting I'm starting to run out so this will be a once in a while thing. I will always be updating my stories which y'all should check out they are good stories (At least to me they are) Well I'll see you all in the next part. Pure Placebo Out!

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