Things about myself Part 4

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Well, we're back at it again with part 4 to "things about myself I guess." Like always I will put 15 facts here again. Anyways, Lets get on to the facts about me shall we?

1) I absolutely love to write (obviously..)

2) I started to write my own rap songs.

3) I absolutely love pokemon. 

4) I like playing Overwatch. (I play on PS4)

5) I'm a big dragon ball z fan.

6) I made friends all around the world. (Have I met all of them in person? Nope)

7) My best friend's name is Kelvin.

8) I was given a rapper name by my friend who is also a rapper. It is Lil Gang. (I really don't care for it. I'm not much of a rapper but he likes the song I made.)

9) I am single (Again...) and I guess looking to mingle? (My rhymes are lit!)

10) I have a crush on a girl but I know she is out of my league. (She's very popular and I'm not if anything I'm a nerd. If Danny phantom taught me anything it's that popularity and "Nerds" or "freaks" don't mix very well.) 

11) I don't know why (Maybe because I'm 17) I have a thing for redheads or blondies. (Again I don't know why. I'm fine with other hair colors and stuff but it's just my idk preference. Now I sound like a douchebag.)

12) I work at subway. (It's down the street from where I live so I walk to work every day after school.)

13) My friends think I'm a psychopath. (I'm not at least I haven't been proven to be. Oh well, they aren't true friends anyway.)

14) I talk to myself a lot. (Only because I want to make sure I'm getting things right. Also sometimes I'm the only one I want to talk to. Does that make me weird? Probably but I couldn't care less about that.) 

15) I have an overwhelming desire to just hate myself. I try my best to like myself but it's darn near impossible at times. It may be apart of my depression but still, in the end, I know it isn't healthy for me but I can't stop it at times so it makes me more depressed.

Anyways this got emotional real quick. Thank you for hearing me out and joining me in learning who I am. I'm still figuring out stuff about myself every day. It all makes me who I am in the end and I guess I can be proud of that. Anyways, I'll see you all later Pure Placebo out!

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