Things about myself Part 7

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Well, guess who's back for part 7 of things about me? Well, you'd be surprised my name is Ava. I'm an OC from Infamous: Third Darkness. I'm also based on Pure's real-life best friend but for security purposes, I can't reveal the name of that person. Anyways I'm gonna give you 15 facts about real-life me and some about Pure. On to the chapter shall we?

Ava: #1 I'm 17 but I'm one day younger than Pure.

Pure: #2 I and Ava did date at one point in time. But we're just best friends now.

Ava: #3 I am a living embodiment of what people qualify as "Depression"

Pure: Maybe that's why we get along so well anyways #4 I love playing the guitar.

Ava: He plays beautifully by the way anyways #5 I love hanging out with my friends and mostly Pure because we don't get to hang out very often.

Pure: You can say that again. #6 I found my new love for Lil peep but only his music.

Ava: #7 I have a brother who is very very annoying.

Pure: He really is no offense. #8 I almost died when I was 12 because a firework almost hit me in the face exploding. Yes, I said exploding and I mean exploding.

Ava: Yeah it really was bad when that happened. #9 I'm considered "Emo"

Pure: I'm not surprised.

Ava: What do you mean?!

Pure: Nothing nothing :) Anyways #10 I absolutely love Panic at the disco. (Sorry if I said this already)

Ava: I do as well The death of a bachelor 🎶

Pure: oh-oh letting the waterfall🎶

Ava: The death of a bachelor Oh-oh🎶

Pure: Seems so fitting for happily ever after woo🎶

Ava: I couldn't ask for more🎶

Pure: A lifetime of laughter🎶

Ava: At the expense of the death of a bachelor🎶

Pure: Okay we're done now guys sorry for the short singing break.

Ava: anyways #11 We share a love for WWE

Pure: That is true #12 Me and Ava are Geminis

Ava: #13 We were both born the year of the rat on the Chinese calendar.

Pure: #14 My first kiss was Ava.

Ava: Yuumei! 

Pure: What? it's the truth ain't it?

Ava: Yes but, that was a private moment between us...

Pure: Come on we accept it at this point. It was over a year ago Ava.

Ava: Fiiinnneeee go share it with those fans of yours it doesn't bother me that much.

Pure: Okay but it's your turn to give the last fact.

Ava: Oh yeah hehe #15 Believe it or not me and Pure hated each other in the beginning but over time we actually got to know each other and we became best friends then we dated but broke up over the shit I was going through and now we're back to being best friends but I know Pure still loves me as a friend and I couldn't ask any more of him. I know I can be a psycho at times as he puts up with me which I can't thank him enough for it because Pure is a hero. He has saved me and others countless times from depression. He is my go-to guy when it comes to talking about my feelings and depression and trying to work them out. He is really helping anyone is lucky to have him in their lives.

Pu: Aww damn Ava you gonna make me cry. I try to be a good guy even though I was considered evil for a long time. Thank you.

Ava: no problem dude.

Pure: well guys I hope you enjoyed our facts.

Ava: I hope you guys are okay with meeting me.

Pure: I'm sure they like you. You're a hero in our story after all.

Ava: yeah hehe

Pure: anyways we'll see you all in the next chapter.

Ava: I'm Ava!

Pure: Hehe I'm Pure

Ava: Ice Reaper out!

Pure: Pure Placebo out!

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