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"Yoongi you want heavy or light butter?" Jimin shouted from the kitchen

"Heavy" Yoongi shouted in response. "Jimin hurry the movie is starting"

Jimin practically sprinted over to the living hoping on the couch. Spilling some popcorn on the way.

"Where is Namjoon?" Yoongi questioned.

"He is in my room asleep" Yoongi looked at him puzzled "in your room?"

"Yeah I'm sleeping on the couch until I get the guest room in shape" Jimin have yoongi that signature eye smile, and Yoongi couldn't even stay upset with him.

"The movie is starting"


The jump scare was approaching unbeknownst to Jimin, of course. He had been cuddling further and further into Yoongi as the movie progressed. Once again he picked a bad choice of movie.

Before anything could pop up in the screen Jimin presses the pause button.

Soon after Namjoon rolls out of his room half sleep rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Joon you should join us, we're watching a movie" Jimin suggested almost thinking nothing of it.

"Oh I wouldn't want to intrude on you guys." The last thing Namjoon wanted to do was be the third wheel for an hour and a half of a movie. "Oh Namjoon your fine. Right Yoongi?" Jimin was a completely oblivious kid.

"Of course. We are just getting to the good part anyway." Yoongi gestured Namjoon over. If Jimin wanted it to happen then Yoongi was always on board. Jimin walked to the bathroom shutting the door, leaving Namjoon and Yoongi in an awkward silence.

"So what movie are you guys watching" Namjoon broke the silence. "Well I suggested Fast and Furious but Jimin chose the exorcist" they both laughed, just because why not?

"You seem awfully familiar, do i know you from somewhere?" Yoongi studied Namjoon hoping a memory of something with flow back to him. "Yeah you stopped by my shop for flowers." Namjoon took no time answering. He remembered exactly who Yoongi was, the boy is almost living his dream life at the moment.

"Wow it's a small word after all huh?"



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I'm going to Spain this saturday so I'm trying to spam you guys with chapters.

𝘾𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖 • 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now