[TFP] Optimus x Mech!Reader

Start from the beginning

The pod crashed harshly, only a dune away from the Autobots. It created a large sand explosion, that flew upwards, giving the Autobots a good view on its landing placement. "Autobots." Optimus nodded in the direction of the crash, all slowly made their way over the dune to the pod. Once they stood in front the pod by many metres, they waited for the smoke to clear.

The pod then stood out to them, an Autobot insignia made everyone's nerves drop. The pod door slammed open, as if someone had used all their might. It flew forward slightly, but not immensely.

All Autobots who stood there paused, optics widened and they're dermas lifted at the sight.

(Y/n), a Commander of Autobot medics, former medic from the Koan pits, climbed from the almost destroyed pod. He let out a grunt as he pulled himself up, his pedes made they're way to the desert floor. His helm was pointed at the same sandy floor, optics clenched shut slightly, before opening to show bright blue optics. His build was a bit bulkier than BumbleBee, not quite as much as Bulkhead.

His arms held shield like armour, parts of his frame glow with a bright blue colour. Large armoured pedes which held two of his wheels gave him large boots, with a bulky chest that gave away he was a grounder. His curves were visible with his revealing armour, which could make any Bot blush, as his hips held more armour plates connected to his covered parts(forgot what they call ittt). His helm was armoured(slightly horned), as two more wheels were very visible from each side of his neck. Overall, he was a good looking mech.

His head rose from looking at he sandy floor, and he immediately found the Autobots in front of him. He flinched slightly, not expecting four cybertronians in front of him. His processor took a moment to realise who they were, fellow Autobots, one being Prime himself. His dermas lifted to match their own. "Optimus." He spoke, now out of the pod and at full height, his helm just reaching to the shoulder of Optimus, taller than Bulkhead.

"Hello, old friend." Optimus spoke, smiling at the Mech in front of him, as he held his hand out for a handshake. Instead, he received a hug. (Y/n) was quick to hug him, wrapping his arms around the larger Mech and laughing. "Primus! I haven't seen you since.... I don't know! Hah!" He laughed again, letting Optimus go from the crushing hug. He didn't let Optimus reply, only turning to see the other Bots.

"Bumblebee!" As his name was called, Bee straightened up as if he was back at the academy. He was quickly swooped off of his feet by a crushing hug,"Good to see the little scout is still going!" He said, swinging Bee around, to which he whirred at. ::Commander (Y/n!) It is good to see you again!:: Bee 'spoke', his optics lifted in happiness. "Pfft! Commander makes me feel old, well... older! Just (Y/n) is fine!" He laughed, putting the Mech down and turning to the only Mech present he was yet to greet.

"Bulkhead! How've you been? I'm surprised you're not in pieces without me!" (Y/n) smirked, playfully hitting the shoulder of the green Mech. "Oh really? I can survive without you feeding me energon!" Laughed Bulkhead, only to be put in a helm lock and have his helm rubbed with a hard fist. "You'd broken both your servos smashing that 'Con!" Snorted (Y/n),letting Bulkhead go slowly. Bulkhead only replied with a playful hit to the chassis.

Before Bulkhead or (Y/n) could speak, a feminine 'cough' beat them too it. (Y/n) turned to see Arcee, a femme he'd known for a good while. "If it's isn't one of the finest femmes I know!" (Y/n) grinned, walking over to Arcee. "You been kicking some 'Con tailpipe while I've been gone?" (Y/n) encouraged, stopping in front of Arcee.

Arcee rolled her optics,"What kind of question is that?" She replied, hands on her hips. (Y/n) was quick to swoop Arcee off of her pedes, bring her into a bridal style hold, that he had mastered over time.

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