Chapter 41~

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(Authors note: brace yourself this is a long chapter :) p.s hope this also makes up for the late updating. Woo 3 chapters in a row, I'm on a roll!😂)

You sat there in shock. Why had he hugged you? You looked at him. So broken. "S-Sherlock what's wrong?" You whispered looking towards Sherlock whos head was bowed and whos tears were falling silently as he sat there his inky curls falling sadly in front of his eyes. He looked up. His celeste blue eyes were filled with so much sadness. Shakespeare once said, "eyes are the window to the soul" and if that be it Sherlock's soul was weary and alone. "I-i am alone. I have no one. You left and John left and its all too much." His choked up voice made your heartache. " Sherlock... I didn't mean to leave you. I shouldn't have fell for Moriarty's trap. This is all my fault. You were always there for me. You made me laugh, you made me mad, you made me smile and you made my life better. You comforted me without realising and you mattered to me. You still matter to me. You never stopped mattering to me. When i say this i am telling you the truth. I care for you in more ways than one. John will come back. He can't stay mad at you for long. Sherlock. Where were you during-during those 2 years away?" You voice was trembling. You couldn't tell if this was you or your character; you couldn't tell the difference anymore. He didn't say anything. He turned his back to you and began to unbutton his shirt. "S-Sherlock?" You asked confused. That's when you saw it. You saw the long scars down his back. They were a mixture of dried and fresh blood. " God Sherlock what happened?! Let me go get the first aid kit! Why didn't you say anything? it must hurt so much! Sherlock?" You said panicking. "Serbia. I was tortured whilst trying to undo Moriarty's crime network." You sat there in shock for a couple of seconds before you rushed to the kitchen. If you were right the first aid kit would be in this exact cupboard. You grabbed it and went back to the sofa where Sherlock had never left. "Y/n it's alright..." He smiled weakly as you soaked one of the gauze pads in saline solution. "Sherlock please-just let me do this okay?" You pleaded with him until he gave you a timid nod. You carefully dabbed the wound trying to clear off both the fresh and dry blood. You watched him tense up and wince in pain as you cleaned the wound. "I'm sorry but this is for the best Sherlock" you smiled trying to comfort him. You then grabbed a clean towel carefully trying to dry it. You then carefully dressed the wound in a bandage wrapped around his waist. "How comes Mycroft didn't do this? He was there wasn't he?" Your words were tinged with annoyance. "If I find out he didn't help you I will be having a word with him. He's your brother for god's sake!" You said finally securing the bandage. " He did but it needed replacing shortly after and I just couldn't bring myself to ask anyone." You looked at him and wished he would open up. You then realised your hand was still on his chest. You quickly removed it. Remember why your here. Moriarty? The plan? But what about Sherlock? Not now think later. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up at him. Why was he smiling? His soft blue eyes were taken up by his beetle black pupils the soft orange glow of the lamp shining down on him. You looked outside at how dark it was. It was like 2 o'clock a moment ago?! How is it so dark?! " I'm glad your back y/n, thank you for this" he gestured to his bandages. He got up and stood in front of you. Slowly he reached out and kissed you on the cheek. He hesitated for a moment then left and entered his bedroom. What the hell just happened?!

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now