Episode 2: The Spring Sports Fair (pt 1)

Start from the beginning

"Nope!" Rosie called back. "That's why we sent you to look for her, Yū."

Now he was more puzzled. Not only did they started addressing him as "you", but now they were making up stuff. "What's going on?" he wondered.

As James came closer and closer, Alfonso realized that it wasn't Yū. Yū didn't look that good in a 1920s hat. James stopped in front of them, leaving both of them in confusion. "Heyyyy... you're not Yū," Alfonso asserted. "Who else would I be? I am me," James responded, even adding more to their confusion.

Alfonso: "No you're not. You're James."


Rosie: "Then where is Yū?"

"I think the grammatically correct phrase is, 

'Where are you.' And I'm standing right here."

Alfonso: "No not you. Yū."

"Yes, me. And I'm right here."

Rosie: "Not you, you. The other Yū."

"As far as I know, there's no other me."

Both: "NO. YŪ!"

"Yes me!" said James, now irritated.

Both: "Couldn't be!"


"That would be me."

All three looked towards the direction of the voice. Standing there was a boy, about Ai's age. He had green eyes; brown hair with three spikes poking out; a sporty headband; a number 3 tee; soccer socks; and a pair of yellow sneakers.

"Wait, who are you?" James asked. "Correct," replied Yū. "I'm Yū, from the other village nearby. Sometimes I come here to play."

"You're not m--ohhhh... you're name is Yū," James realized. "You just figured that out? Boy, you must be really dense," Rosie said, with a mix of energy and frustration. James just stared as a cool breeze flew by, followed by a stunned silence.

"Did you find Ai?" Alfonso asked Yū. "Not yet. We were supposed to meet here for the soccer practice fifteen minutes ago. I don't know where she could've gone. By the way," Yū said, turning to James, "I don't think I've seen you before. Who are you?"

"Oh! Where are my manners? I'm James. I just moved here yesterday." "Where from?" Yū questioned. "From the city." "Whoa! What's it like?" Yū inched closer and closer in excitement to hear more. "Were there candy stores? Planetariums? Cops chasing bank robbers? Amusement parks? Were the animals there friendly? Isn't there a fountain with a goddess in it?" James looked nervously at Yū, wishing for him to stop getting so close and interrogating. Then, as if an answer to prayer, Ai came up the road, followed by Kyle. "Oh Yū, always asking so many questions." A sigh of relief escaped from James' mouth.

"Ai!" exclaimed Rosie, Alfonso, and Yū, running up to her. "Where have you been? We've wondering where you were," Rosie asked. "Who's the little guy?" Yū wondered, looking at Kyle. "Oh, this is Kyle. Rosie, Alfonso, you remember him. This is James' little brother." "Huh?" Yū pondered. "James, I didn't know you had a brother."

"I actually have two siblings," he explained. "A sister and a brother."

"Kyle," Ai introduced, "this is Yū, the boy I mentioned earlier? the one who also likes catching bugs?" Kyle looked at Yū, who had his big, charming smile on (which made him kind of shy). "You should see Kyle's collection. It's huge!" Ai bragged. "I told him he should show it to Blathers at the museum."

"Boy, wouldn't he love that?" Yū nudged Alfonso's arm as a small smirk rested on his face, which meant that a childish prank was forming in his head. Unbeknownst to Ai, Yū knew that Blathers, in fact, had a very large phobia of insects; even butterflies. "We'll definitely show it to him, together with my collection." "Really? That would be wonderful!" Ai encouraged, not realizing the consequences of what she just sanctioned.

Kyle tugged on Ai's skirt and motioned her to come down. He whispered something in her ear, to which she responded, "Oh of course. I was just getting to that.

"Kyle wants to know when we can start playing soccer and stop talking," Ai repeated. Yū laughed and said, "Well, I guess this is as good as time as any! How about we start then?"


Author's Note

Don't worry, part two will come out. But I couldn't decide on how to end it, so do you want a sneak preview of the next part?

Are you sure? 

Are you REALLLLY sure?

Okay. But the text you see will be in the next part, so don't get mad if you read it again...

Part 2 (PREVIEW)


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