Episode 2: The Spring Sports Fair (pt 1)

Start from the beginning

She arrived at the new family's house quite quickly. As she looked at it, she noted how much smaller it was from her own house; it clearly wasn't built for multiple people. But then again, not many villagers had families living with them—in fact, no one did—so how could Tom Nook expect to build a house big enough?

She knocked on the door. Then it swung wide open, revealing a frazzled Jay-Jay with matted hair, a stained apron, mop, and...was that a pancake in her hair?

"James, I thought you--EEEEK!" Jay-Jay screamed, then slammed the door with a loud BANG, leaving a startled and confused Ai.

As quick as it had closed, the door opened, only this time it there was a Jay-Jay with designer clothes, fixed hair, make-up, and an energetic smile.

"Wha...? How did you...?" Ai questioned. Jay-Jay just evaded the answer with a large, "Hello! I wasn't expecting company! Come on in."

"Thank you," Ai replied courteously. As she walked in, she noticed that the family hadn't really been unpacking that much. There was still quite a few boxes laying around, and there was only a few pieces of furniture laying around.

"Sorry about the mess. We still haven't finished unpacking," Jay-Jay explained. "Oh, no worries," Ai said. "I didn't finish unpacking until after a month, but I've heard that some villagers unpack in only a day!" "I wished I knew their secret, and then it wouldn't look like such a pigsty," Jay-Jay expressed. 

And then, out of nowhere, Jay-Jay called loudly, "Kyle! We have a guest!"

No answer.

Jay-Jay smiled sheepishly at Ai, then yelled again. "Kyle?"

Still no answer.


And he got his butt down there that instant, more out of fear of what might happen to it if he didn't.

"Ah there you are! You remember Ai from yesterday?" said Jay-Jay, switching into her cheery voice. 

(Ai narrowed her eyes and formed a sort of "eh?" face, wondering, Is she always like this?)

Kyle didn't respond either way. He just stared at Ai, just like yesterday. Ai shifted uncomfortably at his stare (again) and tried her best to greet him with as much warmth as possible.

"Hi there. Nice to see you again, Kyle."

"...hi," Kyle said, his voice sounding like the coo of a dove. Then, his manner of expression changed completely from timidity to pure excitement. "Do you like bugs? I have a whole collection I caught in our old house! C'mon I'll show you!" He grabbed Ai's hand before she could say anything.

"Goodness," Jay-Jay astounded, "He's never warmed up to anyone like this before!" Then she recollected herself, and yelled back, "Wait Kyle! Maybe Ai doesn't want to--"

"It's okay," Ai called back, being dragged along by the 8-year-old. "I'll be back in a minu--woah! Slow down!"


James headed over to the town square with a package on the back of his bike. He had gotten a tip from the Able Sisters—the two porcupines that ran the clothing store near Nook 'N' Go—that Ai's team was meeting near there. When he could see the town hall off in the distance, he didn't see her there, but rather the orange crocodile and the cerulean cat—better known as Alfonso and Rosie—that spied on him in the town hall yesterday. They looked in his direction and mistook him for Yū, their teammate.

"Hey Yū!" Alfonso waved, "Did you find Ai?"

"Huh?" James said to himself, then answered back, "No, I didn't. Do you know where she is?"

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