Forever Love (Janiel)

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Joey and Daniel were both busy relaxing in their beach chairs at the beach. Today was the day of their anniversary of love, and they were both celebrating it on the beach. As they both toasted on their tropical drinks, they both looked at each other like the love birds they were to each other.
"Oh Danny... I'm so happy that you're mine.", Joey said sweetly to his lover.
"Same here... I love you.", Daniel said as he leaned over to kiss Joey. After sharing a kiss, Daniel started giggling for a second. This caught Joey's eyes for a second.
"What's with that face?~", Joey asked with a cute little giggle. Daniel blushed for a second and looked back at Joey.
"Uh... Okay, I'm going to say it! Would you mind if I bury you in the sand and tickle those beautiful feet of yours?", Daniel said quickly. Joey was a bit confused about what he said, but he wasn't creeped out or anything. He just gave his boyfriend a smile.
"That's it?.... Actually, I would love that!", he said as Daniel looked up and stopped blushing.
"R-Really?! Uh- Okay! Get down on the sand and I'll start getting to the fun stuff.", Daniel said. Joey then lied down on the nice warm sand, as Daniel began to bury him with it.
Five Minutes Later...
After finally getting his boyfriend buried deep in the sand, he was finally finished. Joey's feet stuck out, and Daniel was removing his sandals. He could even see the happiness going on in Joey's face. He was ready for anything.
"Are you ready, sweetie?", Daniel asked.
"What kind of question is that?! Don't just sit there, TICKLE ME!", Joey shouted. Daniel then let out a giggle and listened to his boyfriend's demand. He then started to tickle Joey all around his feet, and Joey immediately began to laugh.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh Danny! You're so good at this! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!", Joey laughed as he moved his feet around the tickles. Daniel gave his boyfriend a smile and didn't stop giggling.
"You're right! I am... Coochie coochie coo, sweetie!~ Hehehe!!!!", Daniel teased while moving his fingers around Joey's arches and toes. Joey was moving like crazy in the sand; like if he was getting a fluffy feeling or something (Fluffy feeling? I think that's how it's pronounced. Anyway, enough stalling. Back to the story 😂).
"Oh my! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Your nails are so sharp! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I love it! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", Joey said while laughing. He was also turning pink in the face. He must've been enjoying his treatment from Daniel one hundred percent.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle!~", Daniel teased.
"Tease me again, daddy! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", Joey begged. Daniel couldn't say "no" to those eyes, so he did what he was told.
"Oh! Okay, anything for you. Coochie coochie coo, Joey!~ Hehehehehe!!!!!", Daniel teased in the most adorable voice he had. After a couple of minutes of tickling, he gave Joey a break to breath. Joey looked up, and his eyes lite up.
"Are you having fun?", Daniel asked as he had his arms behind his back.
"Yep! Totally am. Hey? What's behind your back?", Joey asked. Daniel gave him an evil sexy smile, and showed him that he had a feather behind his back. Joey's eyes opened up wide, and he had the weirdest smile on his face. This made Daniel laugh in glee.
"Oh you nasty boy!", Joey said.
"Thank you! Now, let's continue!", Daniel said as he slid the feather around Joey's feet and in between his toes. Joey completely lost it when he felt the feather. He was even struggling to get out of the sand.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! DANIEL! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!!! THAT TICKLES SO BADLY! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", Joey laughed as he still struggled like mad.
"Oh... Are you not liking the feather?... Poor thing! Coochie coochie coo!~", Daniel said while ignoring his boyfriend's pled.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! COME ON! I HAD ENOUGH! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", Joey laughed even more harder than ever. Daniel then noticed that he's had enough, so he stopped to let his boyfriend free.
"Okay, fine... I guess you're done. Here, I'll help you out of the sand.", Daniel said as he dig some of the sand off Joey. After a few minutes of digging, Joey was free. He then got up and rolled around in Daniel's arms. As they both giggled, Joey laid on top of his boyfriend.
"Like I said before, I love you.", he said with a romantic smile.
"You're welcome, honey. Who has the best boyfriend in the world?", Daniel said as Joey gave him a giggle.
"Me! And you do, too.", Joey said as he kissed Daniel and made out with him on the sand. Looks like their anniversary this year, was one that they'll never forget.

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