Summer Story Six: (Danti & Reader)

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* Requested by NightShadow2461 and She_Thinks_42. I decided to do a mash up of these two, so enjoy! 😜

 I decided to do a mash up of these two, so enjoy! 😜

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You were busy reading a book on your beach towel on the beach

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You were busy reading a book on your beach towel on the beach. As you were busy enjoying yourself in relaxation, you felt something tickling your ear. It was a feather, and Anti was tickling you with it. As he kept on doing it, you got so annoyed and told him to stop.
"Stop it, Anti!", you said as you went back to reading. But as you were, you felt another feather from your other ear. This time, Dark was annoying you next.
"Cut it out!", you said as you tried so hard to go back to reading. But then you felt both feathers tickling your ears. You then closed your book in anger and got up from the beach towel.
"OK! THAT IS IT! You guys are constantly annoying me. When I agreed to take you guys to the beach with me, you guys promised me that you'll behave.", you said as the both laughed.
"Oh come on, (Your Name). Don't be grumpy with the both of us. Maybe if you don't ignore us, then maybe we'll stop.", Dark said as he slid his finger down your arm. You flinched a bit and looked away.
"Yeah, come on! Cheer up!", Anti said as he poked your sides. You flinched again and let out a tiny giggle.
"Ugh! Stop! You guys can be such a handful sometimes.", you said as you moved away Anti's hand and laid down on your beach towel. You then decided to take a nap so that way you won't have to deal with the two demons. But as you were trying to fall asleep, you start laughing as you felt Dark tickling your sides and ribs from behind.
"AH! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", you laughed as you got up quickly. Dark then smiles at you and giggles a little bit.
"What? Is someone a little bit ticklish?", Dark said as you tried to look mad at him. You didn't want to look scared at him, but he could tell that you looked scared.
"Shut up! I was trying to sleep. And I'm not ticklish!", you said as Anti and Dark smiled at each other evilly.
"Oh really?~ Well we'll just see about that, now will we?", Anti said as he grabbed you from behind. He wrapped his arms around you like a hug from behind, and Dark grabbed both of your legs.
"What are you idiots doing?! Let me go!", you said as you struggled to get free.
"Nope! You've been very mean to us today. And you constantly ignored us today too. So now we need to change your attitude.", Dark said as you looked confused.
"What do you mean change my attitude?", you asked.
"We mean change it from bad, all the way to SQUEAKY!", Anti said as you felt Dark tickling your feet.
"Huh?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", you laughed as Dark started to tickle all around your toes. You still struggled to escape Anti's grip, but failed.
"Stop? Why should I? You seem happy right about now. Isn't that right, Anti?", Dark said as he kept on tickling your feet and toes. He asked Anti a question while you were still laughing, and they both completely ignored you.
"That's right, Dark! It looks like (Your Name) here is having a really great time. But let's see what happens if I also do this. I'm pretty sure this will tickle even more.", Anti said as he used one of his hands to tickle your stomach and sides. You continued to laugh as you felt your stomach and sides being tickled.
"NOAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!!!! STOP! I HATE THAHAHAIS!!!! SAHAHAHAHAUPER!!!!! BADLY! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", you said in between laughs. Dark kept on playing with your toes, while Anti was still spider tickling all around your stomach.
"Aww!~ Look Anti, (Your Name) is happy!~", Dark teased as he grabbed his feather and used it on your feet. Anti kept on tickling your sides and agreed with Dark.
"Yeah! I can tell. Looks like we were right, (Your Name) is ticklish.", Anti said as Dark agreed.
"Yes, you are!~", Dark and Anti said together as they kept on going with the torture. After a long time of tickling you, they both stopped. You caught your breath and giggled just a little bit.
"Now wasn't that fun? Because to us it was. So, do you promise to be nice to us? And do you also promise to not ignore us ever again?", Dark asked you with a smile. You then looked at him and gave him a glare.
"What if I saw no?", you asked.
"Then you get a five second head start to run, before me and Dark can tickle you again.", Anti said as you thought about the idea for a second. Even though you hated them both for annoying you, you did kinda enjoyed being tickled. You then thought about the idea again and broke out of Anti's grip. You ran away from them, as they went to get you. You didn't ran away because you didn't like it, you actually ran away so they can get you and tickle you again. You then thought about what you told them both before about how annoying they are, and decided to forget about what you said. Because to be honest with yourself really, they did cheer you up that day.

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