Summer Story Two: (Danger & Natemare)

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Danger was busy applying on some sunscreen, while looking at her husband swimming in the ocean. As Natemare exited out of the water, he went over to the spot to dry himself.
"Hehe! You don't seem hot anymore.", Danger said as Natemare dried himself.
"Yeah, I don't. It's so nice to finally be out of that castle for today. And now that we both finally have some free time for ourselves, we can finally have some fun together.", Natemare stated. As he finished drying himself, Danger wrapped her arms around him and smiled so attractively at him.
"Oh! Fun, you say? Well then, what kind of fun are we talking about?....", she said so quietly with a smile.
"I mean.... Building a sandcastle over you! Won't that be fun?", Natemare answered. Danger went silent for a minute and got confused. She thought that he meant something else that they can do. But he thought differently, apparently.
"Uh.... I mean, over me? I guess we can try that...", Danger said in a confused tone. She didn't want to hurt her husband's feelings, so she went along with it.

Ten Minutes of Digging & Castle Making Later...

"Okay, and.... Done!", Natemare said while finishing up the work of art he made. He made a large castle with so many towers and a moat. Danger had he head out in the middle of the castle, she couldn't see the sides that well. So far, Natemare covered her whole body up with sand; except he left her feet sticking out.
"Wow! Great job, sweetheart. This looks terrific.", Danger said as her husband smiled.
"Thanks, honey. You're my queen, and you know how much I love to make you happy. Speaking of which....", he said. Natemare then used his two index fingers to slid across Danger's soles. She flinched a bit when she felt it.
"Uh! What are you doing? Hey!", she asked while feeling his fingers moving around her feet more. Natemare looked at her and gave her a smile.
"Remember what I said? I always love to make you happy. So, why not today I try it?... Hehe!", he said while continuing to slide his fingers all around her feet. Danger couldn't take the sensation, so she tried her best not to laugh at all. However, is was hard; all she did was giggle in her closed mouth. Her mouth noises caught Natemare's eye.
"Oh... Trying to hold it in, now are we?... Well then, let's go a little bit faster!", Natemare said as he began to spider tickle all over Danger's soles. Danger couldn't hold in her laughter anymore, so she let it out immediately.
"Don't what?~", Natemare asked her.
"Tickle you? That's what I'm doing, silly. Tickle, tickle!~", he teased her. Danger struggled to get out of the sand, except it was impossible with all of that sand on top of her. She felt her husband's nails everywhere: Her soles, arches, heels, and mostly around her toes.
"S-STOP! I CAHAHAN'T!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! NO! NOT MY TOES! ANYWHERE BUT THEHAHAHARE!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!", Danger laughed while turning a bit pink in the cheeks.
"The toes? You mean, these lovely things right here?~", Natemare teased while moving his fingers all around her toes.
"Stop tickling your beautiful toes? I don't think so. They are just adorable! Coochie coochie coo!~ Hahaha!!!", Natemare said while continuing to tickle torture her. After a few minutes, he stopped to let her breathe.
"Don't get to relaxed now, pumpkin. Because we're not done yet. Look what I got here...", he said with a sinister smile on his face. He then show Danger what he had in his hand: it was a feather.
"No! Please! Not that!", she begged in fright. Natemare giggled evilly and held onto her two big toes.
"Hehehehe.... Aww!~ What's the matter? Can't handle a little feather?~", Natemare asked as he slid the feather up and down both of his wife's soles.
"Ha.... Isn't this fun? Coochie coochie coo!~", Natemare teased her while continuing to tickle her with the feather. Only this time, he also used his fingers as well.
"Calling for help, now are we? Well for your information, this beach is empty. The only person here is just me!~ Meaning that, I'm all you got.... Hahahaha!!!!", Natemare said while giving out an evil laugh. He continued to tickle his wife for a few more minutes, until finally he decided to stop torturing her. Danger started to breathe heavily as she finally felt freedom when her husband helped her out of the sand.
"I.... Honestly..... Hate you!....", she said in between breaths. Natemare gave her a smile kissed her.
"Aww!~ And I love you too.", he playfully said to her. Danger then crossed her arms and looked away.
"Hmph! You're always mean to me!", she playfully whined at him. Natemare smiled at her and hugged her.
"Oh honey, come on!~ You just needed a little laughter. Nothing wrong with that at all.", he stated. Danger knew that he had a point, so she turned around and smiled at him.
"I guess, you're right. Thanks for the giggles... I love you...", she said to him sweetly.
"Same here, my adorable laughing beauty....", Natemare said while leaning in for a kiss. Except he decided to scoop Danger up and have her hanging off on his back.
"Hey! Haha! What are you doing now?", Danger asked as Natemare started to walk to the ocean.
"I'm just thinking that you're all hot from the sand, so let me help you cool off. Hehe!", Natemare said while continuing to walk to the water. Danger didn't argue with him or anything, so she just smiled and went along with it. So today may have been torture for her, but she actually didn't care it in the end. What she did care about, was that she and her husband could get out for today and have fun; even if it did involve torture in the sand.

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