Bath Time Fun! (Tythan)

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Ethan was asleep in his bathroom, except he was also tied up. Once he woke up, he was surprised. Because he was in his bathtub, with his bathing suit on. He was also shirtless, and his arms and legs were tied up. As he was trying to get himself free, he heard the bathroom door opening. It was Tyler.
"Tyler? What's going on? Why am I tied up and in my swim suit?", Ethan asked as Tyler smiled. He put down the bucket and sponge he brought in, and went closer to Ethan.
"Well Ethan, I just thought of the idea of giving you a bath. Why else did I put you inside a warm bubble bath?", Tyler said as Ethan started to blush a bit.
"What? No, I don't need a bath. I can wash myself. You don't need to do that.", Ethan said as Tyler grabbed the sponge and dipped it in the water. He then sat on the floor and smiled at Ethan.
"It's not like that kind of bath. I'm talking about me getting you all happy. Trust me, you'll enjoy it.", Tyler said as he started to scrub Ethan's stomach with the sponge. Ethan let out a few giggles and started to squirm in the tub.
"Hehehaha!!!! Tyler, stop! Hahahahaha!!!!!", Ethan giggled as he Tyler kept on scrubbing him.
"But you've seem to be enjoying this. Why would I stop now?", Tyler said as he got more soap on the sponge. He then started to scrub even harder on Ethan's stomach, which caused him laugh even more.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! TYLER! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!", Ethan laughed as he started to move around in the tub. He tried to get free, but it wasn't that possible.
"Ethan, you're getting water everywhere. Hold still. I need to get your underarms.", Tyler said as started to scrub the sponge in both of Ethan's underarms. Even though he was tied up, Tyler found a way to make it work.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! TYLER! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!!! T-THIS IS TORTURE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!", Ethan laughed as Tyler kept on going. After a few minutes of cleaning his upper body, he stopped.
"Ok Ethan, I'm almost done with you. Let's see, I did your tummy. I did your armpits. I think the only thing to do left is to clean your feet. So let's get started.", Tyler said as he held down both of Ethan's tied up feet. Ethan knew that Tyler knows that his feet are ticklish. Exceptionally his toes. Tyler dipped the sponge in the watery soap again and start to brush down very hard on both of Ethan's souls. Causing Ethan to laugh very hard and have tears going down his face.
"Hold still Ethan! You act like a toddler when it comes to bath time. Didn't your parents ever tell you to always get in between your toes? Because now, I have to do this for you. Now keep still!", Tyler said as he started to scrub the tips of Ethan's toes. Ethan kept on laughing even harder when Tyler moved up to his ticklish spot.
"N-NOT THE TAHAHAHAHAOAHAESAHAHA!!!!!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I CAN'T HAHAHANDAHAHAHALE!!!!! HANDLE THIS! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", Ethan laughed as Tyler kept on going with the torture. After a few minutes of scrubbing, Tyler was done. Ethan was finally able to catch his breath and look angry at Tyler.
"Don't give me that face~ You know when it's bath time.", Tyler teased as Ethan looked annoyed.
"Whatever, just let me out.", Ethan said as Tyler started to take the tape off his ankles. But as he was, Ethan noticed something blinking on top of the sink.
"What's that?", he asked. Tyler looked at the sink and back at Ethan with a smile.
"The camera. I'v been recording you.", Tyler said as Ethan blushed a lot. He knew that Tyler would do something this stupid, but luckily he was already starting to plan off his revenge.

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