Mission Logs

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The air was thick with tension, especially when Jorgen was glaring hardcore at the injured Amie. Luigi refused to leave her side, even for a brief moment. He was scared of what Jorgen might do to her. Nacey was kind enough to give Luigi a break once in a while. Luigi agreed, knowing that the island heroine would not hurt his boss. Luigi was currently getting some water, seeing that Timmy was there. Timmy was looking out of the window of the waiting area, looking at Luigi's reflection behind him. Surprised to his former teammate, Luigi took a step back.

"Timmy? What are you doing here?" Luigi asked.

Timmy turned to Luigi and quietly answered, "I... honestly don't know." He lowered his eyes as he softly added, "I kept calling her 'Sis'. And I felt like you were a brother to me..."

Luigi placed his water down on the table near Timmy, taking a chair next to him. His eyes didn't land on Timmy but there was a small sad smile on his face.

He replied, "There has been so many missions that brought us together like a family. But there was this one that will always stand out to me..."


It was a dark and stormy night. The rain was coming down in buckets. The clouds were black and the wind was pretty strong. A young girl ran through the rain, into a tavern. She was drenched, panting up a storm. She looked up, seeing that a few people took notice to her. She primarily ignored them, walking over to the bar. Her quiet demur caught the eye of a guy at the end of the bar. He walked over to her, smirking. She looked him over. He was a bit taller than her, with messy blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a green rain jacket, a white ripped shirt that showed off his muscles, tight blue jeans, and black sneakers. She had short blonde hair, brown eyes, wearing a red tight dress that hugged her curves beautifully and red high heel shoes.

"Don't believe I've seen you around before." He commented to the girl. She merely stiffened a laugh. "What's so funny?" He asked, intrigued.

"You. You think you are all that." She answered.

"Why wouldn't I? After all, I am the well known hoodlum Phil." He gloated to her.

She raised an eyebrow and admitted, "Never heard of you."

Phil was a bit hurt by this as he hissed, "How could you not have heard of me?! I'm the one that has the crew running in fear!" She laughed, fully in his face this time. He got upset and asked, "You don't believe me?!"

"Not a word." She admitted.

"I'll show you!" He hissed. With that, he walked over to where he was sitting, grabbing a bag. He brought out a yellow shard. He walked back over to the girl as he showed it to her. He told her, "This is it. The Vernta Melia. This is the very shard that once paralyzed one of their operatives."

"What does it do?" She questioned, looking at the shard in awe.

He explained, "That's simple! It disables the lower half of the body with a magic stronger than what that little boy had in that book." He paused for a moment, "Now that I think of it, who would put a little kid of harms way? Who is this great leader anyways?!" Just then, all of the sudden, he felt the girl tapping his shoulder. He looked at her, expecting another question. Instead, she decked him hard in the face, sending him flying. He landed on a table, flat on his back, and groaned in pain. "Ow! What was that for?!" He demanded to her. That's when he paled and saw that the girl turned from having blonde hair to brown. Her eyes changed too, from brown to green. "Who the heck do you think you are?!" He asked, sitting up.

"How do you paralyze my little brother! You are going to pay for that!" She hissed.

"Your little brother?!" He repeated, a bit confused.

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