The Unexplained

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Back in Dimmsdale, A.J. woke up with a yawn and a stretch. For some strange reason, he had a good night's sleep. But, that's when he realized something. Alicia wasn't there. A.J. ran downstairs, forgetting to change. A.J. didn't even see his parents. A.J. darted out of the room and outside of his house. He had to find Alicia. But, things went from strange to stranger as A.J. looked down at his body and saw that he was reasonably younger...around 21 years of age the resident genius thought. That's when he saw Timmy riding a bicycle. A.J. ran out, to see his friend.

A.J. called, "Timmy!"

Timmy stopped his bike and A.J. noticed that he looked slightly different. He had no bucked teeth and he was also 21 years old. And more importantly, it looked like he had been crying. A.J. perked up at this almost immediately. What was going on?

Timmy sniffled and warned sharply, "I have no time to talk, A.J."

A.J. was completely worried at this point as he asked, "Timmy... Buddy, what happened?"

That's when Timmy backed away from A.J. instantly. A.J. perked up at this, the feeling in the pit of his stomach growing.

He hissed, the tears falling freely, "Don't 'buddy' me, A.J. We haven't been friends since my sixteenth birthday."

A.J. froze. Timmy was mad, upset, and vulnerable all at the same time. What did he mean that they hadn't been friends since his sixteen birthday? They were best friends right now. They had been for years. So why was this happening? He had to figure this out.

A.J. stated, "I just want to help."

Timmy shook his head and yelled, "All you want to do is show off how smart you are compared to me. Who got the dream job of being in astronomy? Who isn't stuck in fifth grade? You aren't. Who didn't lose the only family that they ever had today? Let me tell you, 'buddy', it wasn't you!"

A.J. felt awful right now. He didn't know what was going on. He was so confused.

He tried to reach out to his friend and asked, "Who did you lose today?"

Timmy backed away from A.J., as if he was a wounded dog. That's when he hissed, "Everything! Everything that ever meant the world to me. All because of a stroke! All because of a..."

That's when Timmy broke down and started to cry...really cry. A.J. was heartbroken at this. Who was Timmy talking about and where was Alicia? A.J. decided to take a chance. He had nothing to lose.

A.J. asked, "Timmy, what about Alicia? And who did you lose today?"

Timmy looked up at him, tears rolling down his cheeks. He was about to say something that A.J. would soon never forget.

Timmy answered, chocking on his tears, "I don't know what you're trying to do. And I'm not going to play that game. I'm not going to let you set me up and then smack me down. Alex Jason Johnson Jr., for all I know, our friendship ended on my sixteenth birthday. And you're not going to get me while I'm already down. Oh, no. I already got that from my parents, Chester, and I don't need it from you. My only true friend is Anna. She never betrayed me. And I had another true friend but thanks to stroke..." Timmy turned away from A.J. and continued to cry. Through his tears; Timmy added, "Go and live your dream that I, an average kid, could never have. After all, you are a genius."

With that, Timmy started to pedal away but A.J. stopped him.

A.J. huffed, "Timmy, tell me what you lost."

Timmy spat, "Like you care that I lost Doc!"

A.J. let go of Timmy's bike realizing on how hurt he was. Timmy pedaled off with tears in his eyes. A.J. was in shock when he saw Chester coming up to him.

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