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The rain kept coming down one quiet yet boring Saturday afternoon. Tommy Turner looked outside with a sigh of boredom. His twin sister giggled but he saw the look of boredom in her eyes. It looked like it was going to be a wash out of a day. Suddenly, their fairies appeared to them. Since their parents were out of town that day, it left the twins alone for the majority of the day. Just then, their fairies (Cosmo and Wanda) appeared to them.

"Hey sweetie. Hi sport. Have you figured out what you two wanted to do today?" Wanda asked them.

Oh the irony of those words. The pink haired fairy was fighting off every bit of fiber in her body to find Timmy (Chloe too) and bring them back their memories was something Wanda thought of often. Oh how that day haunted her...

-Flashback: 30 odd years ago-

The day in Fairy World was a typical one, all for Jorgen Von Strangle that was. He was currently in the Fairy World Council building. The council had been in debate for the longest time if whether or not if Timmy and Chloe should keep their fairies. Jorgen's best friend and magical being, Nacey Cortex, had forewarned Jorgen that something bad was coming to pass. The council of five had gathered to give their verdict.

The one in the yellow robe (Anglo) spoke first, "The decision has been made, Jorgen Von Strangle. Erase Timmy Turner's memory and the memory of his sister, Chloe. They are too dangerous to all of fairy kind!"

"You can't be serious! They nothing but harmless teenagers! Reconsider!" Jorgen begged.

The one in the red robe (Oscar) hissed, "We cannot reconsider, Jorgen. While it is true that Timmy and Chloe have both saved us in the past... More specifically Timmy when he was revealed to be the Chosen One instead of Turbo Thunder."

The one in the blue robe (Gabriel) added, "However, we cannot let this continue. Even you know that."

"What about the predictions Nacey has been having? What about them? We can't ignore them!" Jorgen sharply pointed out, near tears.

The one in the green robe (Niles) replied, "While that is true we have never ignored the prophecies of her magic, we have to put in the consideration that they are too dangerous. They could bring the wrath of the crew if they wanted to!"

"The crew would come here?" Jorgen asked, raising an eyebrow.

He found that to be unlikely. While it was true that the Kids Network Studios crew entered in any dimension that was in need of help, it seemed unlikely they would get involved with someone they barely knew.

The one in the white robe (Isiah) added, "They most certainly would. That's why we need you to erase their memories! For good this time!"

Jorgen left shortly after the hearing. The tube of Forgeticin in his left hand feeling so unwanted. He sighed sadly, lowering his head. He hated doing this...


Meanwhile, in Dimmsdale, Timmy and Chloe were headed towards Shirley's Pizzeria to meet up with Trixie and Remy.

"Come on Timmy! We were supposed to meet Trixie and Remy a half hour ago!" Chloe sharply reminded her adopted brother.

"I know, I'm coming." Timmy reassured, with a smile on his face.

The two were about sixteen years old, still dating Trixie and Remy respectfully. Even after Chloe had been adopted by the Turner family, the Turners still acted the same way when they just had Timmy. Timmy didn't mind it, or he pretended not to care. Honestly, it did hurt him that in two years that they were going to forget Cosmo and Wanda anyhow. 'At least Poof is an actual fairy and not a wish anymore. Learned my lesson last time,' Timmy thought.

"Timmy! Help!" Chloe called out, having gone on further ahead of Timmy.

"Chloe?!" Timmy yelped, running off to catch up with her. That's when he saw a horrifying sight. Jorgen Von Strangle was there, holding a tube of Forgeticin. Chloe was on the ground, groaning in pain. "Jorgen?! What did you do?!" Timmy asked him, running over to her. Jorgen stopped him, stepping between him and Chloe. Timmy took a step back as Jorgen held up the tube to his face. The expression on Timmy's face was one of sadness and depression. "You... you lied to us..." He hissed, his tone low.

"I'm sorry, Turner... But it has to be done..." Jorgen commented, his arm shaking.

Timmy saw this and decided to buy himself sometime. "This can't be how it ends... This can't be how the story ends, Jorgen..."

"The story ends here, Turner. It ends with you."

With a flash of pink light, Timmy groaned in pain as he collapsed onto the ground alongside of Chloe.


Back in Fairy World, the televisions had roared to life, with the live reports of what was happening. Wanda watched this all unfold while she and Cosmo were shopping for new clothes for the kids. She started to cry, the new pink beanie hitting the ground of Fairy World. She cried into her husband's shoulder, whom was shaking. For the first time in eons, Cosmo wasn't feeling dimwitted as he normally did. How could he...? He had just lost his oldest son and his daughter...

-End of Flashback-

"Wanda?" Tammy asked, gaining her attention. "You okay?"

"Oh yes, just a lot on my mind..." Wanda quickly lied.

"What's a mind?" Cosmo asked dumbly.

Both of the kids laughed at that as Cosmo blinked in confusion. Sometimes having Cosmo's stupidity actually worked out for Wanda's sake. For that, especially now, she was grateful. After Timmy and Chloe's memories were erased, the two of them had retired from being godparents. They had taken in Sparky as their own pet, since Poof was still attending the Fairy Academy. Now, here they were, some odd 30 years later - watching over the twins of the godchild that had changed so much. Oh there was just so much irony in that. Their son had his assignment too and he was taking care of Todd McBadbat, the twins best friend. Also on Earth was Poof's girlfriend, Rose. Rose was taking care of Harmony Johnson, the twins other best friend. The twins had also met Jimmy and Cindy's kids of Frederick and Amelia.

Wanda was glad that she had these kids. But she couldn't help wonder what was going on. Why would Marion assign them to the kids of the kids they loved so dearly nearly 30 odd years ago... She looked back at the twins, seeing that Cosmo had turned into a green Maxim for the kids to play on. She groaned in annoyance. Sometimes things never changed... Oh the irony of it all.

"So what do you kids what do today anyhow?" Cosmo asked, as the kids were playing Battle Force 10.

"Not fully for sure, to be honest." Tammy answered, sounding bored.

"Yeah, it is bad enough we are supposed to meet Mom's old friend from Gravity Falls day after tomorrow..." Tommy added.

"Didn't your Mom say that she had a girl your age?" Wanda asked the twins.

"Yeah, her name is Celesta." Tammy confirmed.

"She sounds like a nerd." Tommy stated.

"Sport!" Wanda lectured sharply.

"Yeah, a real nerd!" Cosmo added, with a laugh.

"Cosmo!" Wanda hissed.

"What? She does!" Cosmo stated to his wife.

"Well, either way, Mom begged us to be nice anyhow. And that means you too, Tommy." Tammy reminded.

"I'll be nice, sis. Just trust me." Tommy told her.

Tammy raised an eyebrow as she asked in a worried tone, "Why doesn't that reassure me?"

"Trust me, it doesn't with me either." Wanda told her.


Wishmaker1028: Most of this chapter was just basic backstory and a bit of goofing off by the twins. I wanted to show off what happened with Jorgen and the council specifically here anyhow. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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