Butterfly Dust

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When Celesta finally opened her eyes again, she saw that she was in a hospital bed. Confused as to why she was there, she was about to ask Bill when she noticed her hands. They were covered in bandages.

"Bill...?" She asked, trying to get his attention. She didn't know what scared her more - being in the hospital or not hearing Bill. That's when her mom came into the room with her dad and the Turners. "Mom!" She gushed happily.

"Celesta!" Pacifica cried out of relief. She hugged her tightly, startling the young girl. "I'm so glad that you are alright!"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Celesta asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Because he left." Dipper answered.

Puzzled by the cryptic remark of her father, she turned to Tommy.

"Tommy, I almost forgot! My grandfather..." Celesta started to say before Tommy interrupted.

"Was trying to change you via hypnosis into being the perfect Northwest." Tommy finished.

She was a bit stunned. Did Bill tell him that? Dipper approached his daughter, holding up a picture of Bill's statue. Celesta froze, looking at her father. She saw the look of horror in his eyes and regret. She picked up on this and knew she had to answer any questions.

Dipper asked her, "So you do recognize it?" She nodded, scared of using her voice. Dipper questioned, "Were you alone when you discovered it?" Not wanting to get Scarlett to get in trouble, Celesta decided to nod again. Dipper sighed as he hesitated to ask the final question. "Did you shake his hand?"

All eyes were on the girl in that moment. The tension was thick. While Celesta didn't want to get in trouble, from the look of things, there was already trouble. Finally, after a long period of total silence, Celesta managed to answer her father.

"...yes." She confirmed. Dipper closed his eyes, the waves of instant regret drowning him. Celesta, upon seeing this, started to cry. She added, "I d - didn't mean any harm..."

Pacifica cradled the little girl as she whispered, "Aw we know Celesta... We know..."

Celesta kept crying as Dipper joined in on trying to stop his daughter from crying. Tommy's heart felt like it was breaking. He felt awful for being jealous. As for Timmy, he was slowly understanding why Jorgen allowed Celesta to remember Tommy's secret.

He knew. They knew.

"Of course they knew." A familiar female voice stated behind him.

Timmy looked up, seeing that time had paused all around him. He turned around to see Amie there.

"Sis! You're back!" He gushed. That's when he went back to the realization he came to before. He started to question, "So Jorgen and the rest did allow this to happen? For what purpose?! Crushing a little girl's heart about her first friend in the world?!"

"If you remember correctly, if they did assign a fairy godparent, Bill would have waited, like always, then got his hands on the fairies wand. They were lucky get out of the situation prior." Amie explained.

"Then I guess I have my answer of why they couldn't do anything. They were afraid of Bill coming out sooner..." Timmy replied, calming down a bit.

"It still bugs me. Although I guess it means the crew is back in business." She told him.

"Why should I help you?! You barely did anything to help me out!" Timmy growled.

"Patience is always a virtue." She reminded wisely.

"Patience?! I have none! Bill is out there again and no one is doing anything to stop him!" Timmy shouted.

"Timmy?" Trixie asked.

Timmy, now puzzled, saw that time had restarted. He saw Amie was gone again. Just like before, only this time it made him frustrated. Everyone was staring at him. Timmy turned to them as he sighed.

"I'm sorry. But I guess I won't be returning to my post." Timmy silently stated.

"Your post as Chosen One?" Tammy asked, a bit confused.

"No. My post as second in command to the crew." Timmy answered.


Meanwhile, Bill had returned to Anti-Fairy World. He appeared before Anti-Cosmo, the rose crystal in hand. Foop was there along with Anti-Rose.

Foop had grown quite considerably, his hair was fully grown and it was a complete mess - like it was shaped like a F, his fangs were fully grown out, he wore a black torn undershirt, a dark blue jacket with the sleeves rolled up, dark blue torn jeans, black sneakers, a black crown, bat wings, and his wand that he took from his mother.  Foop had inherited Anti-Cosmo's intelligence and love for blood lust.

Anti-Rose was Foop's right hand lady and fiance. She had her dark red hair pulled back into a beautiful bun, dark rose eyes, dark rose crystal necklace, wearing a dark rose long sleeved sweater, dark blue flared jeans, black sneakers, a black crown, bat wings, and a black wand.

Anti-Cosmo had messy dark blue-grayish hair, tired green eyes, a monocle over his left eye, a scar over his right eye, a dark blue bowl hat as his crown, long broken fangs, wearing a dark green dress shirt with a dark blue amulet as a tie, black dress pants, black sneakers, broken bat wings, and a dull black wand.

"I told ya my plan was better, Anti-Leader." Bill gloated.

"Does not change the fact that the crew is coming." Anti-Cosmo pointed out.

"Without Turner apparently." Foop stated, gesturing to the monitors.

"He quit? He can do that?" Anti-Rose questioned.

Just when Anti-Cosmo was going to explain, a purple portal opened behind them. The anti-fairy turned his head and saw two members of the crew staring at them. He couldn't believe his luck. They only had to deal with two.


Back down on Earth, Mabel had come to the hospital along with Soos and his family. Dipper was worried and upset. Pacifica saw this and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, we will stop Bill." She reassured.

"I know you are right. But I am just so frustrated. If we didn't have to listen to that stupid law, we wouldn't be here right now." He grumbled.

Pacifica knew she couldn't argue that. And she hated that a lot. The next thing she knew, a clear portal opened up. She turned and Nacey came over to Timmy. She grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

"Have you gone insane?! Quitting the crew?! You have any idea how much they meant to you?!" She demanded.

"They weren't helping the situation!" Timmy told her. "And I thought Jorgen did all of this because of them in the first place!"

Everyone watched the two of them go at it, all the while, totally confused.

"You know that they were lied about right?! And yet you refuse to help them?!" Nacey further hissed.

"I did it for my family!" Timmy pointed out.

"At one time, they were also your family! You don't call her sis for no reason..." Nacey reasoned.

"I only have one sister." Timmy sharply pointed out.

"Then you let Kids Network Studios fall." Nacey told him, just as sharply. Timmy was about to say something when Nacey perked up. "Too late..." She breathed, going back to Fairy World in a flash.


Upon arriving, chaos was erupting as Green Star was running towards Jorgen, a very injured Amie in his arms. His mask was off and his identity was exposed to Luigi Manfredi. But that didn't matter to him. What mattered was his hurt friend in his arms.


Wishmaker1028: Sorry for the delay but I have been trying to back off on this project a bit. I had a lot of ideas come out at once again so I had to back off. But with this chapter done, what has happened to the crew and the bad guys? Find out in the next chapter! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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