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"We're taking our family photo today so I don't want us to be late."

"So... should I get ready for this family photo too?"

"No! You should be getting ready for school. Now kindly skedaddle, I've got two babies to dress!"

"...I didn't want to be apart of your dumb family photo anyway..."

"We told you to use the wand in emergencies only!"

"And you told me that you would always be there for me! But you're not!"

"Timmy, if you were out of wishes... why didn't you just call us?"

"Well, you were so busy with... I thought you didn't want to bother with me anymore..."

"We're to blame too, sport... We've really been ignoring you lately and we're sorry."

"But just because we have a new baby doesn't mean that you are any less important to us..."

"We're all a family and we always will be."


"Yes! Now, we have to get our photo taken and... Well?"

"Well what?"

"Get in the photo silly!"

"Photo? In? Me? Get?"

"Well sure! This is a family photo and you are part of the family..."

"We couldn't possibly do it without you, Timmy. We love you!"



Timmy snapped out of his revere, with a sharp gasp. Chloe looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Bro?" She asked, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Timmy looked at her and answered, "Chloe... I don't know how to ask this, since you were adopted but..." He took a deep breath before he asked, "Do you remember anyone else taking care of us besides Mom and Dad?"

Chloe thought for a moment before finally answering, "I remember something about voices I don't hear nowadays..."

Dipper perked up, "So what do this have to do with anything?"

Timmy was about to say something to him until they were approached by some strange men in black jackets.

"Timmy Turner?" One of them asked.

Timmy looked at them and answered, "Yes...?"

That's when the men turned into Eliminators. Timmy sharply gasped.

"We came for you..."


The next thing Timmy knew was that he and his friends were in a strange looking prison. It wasn't exactly what he expected. He looked into the cells, seeing strange creatures. Some of them were starting to ring a bell in his mind, some weren't. That's when he noticed one of the cells holding Jules and Verne.

While he wanted to run over there and see if they were okay, something told him that it was best to wait. The group continued down the hall as the Eliminator leading the group opened up one of the cells. Timmy took a good look, seeing that all of the magical creatures in this cell were bringing up a lot of memories.

Wanda, Cosmo, Poof, Sparky, Rose, Lionel, Roger, Cassie, Iris, Cupid, Nina, Jorgen, and Marion all looked. The minute they saw their new cellmates, they gulped down the irony of it all. The Eliminators pushed them all in, closing and locking the door behind them. They walked off, allowing the adults to sit down. While Dipper and Pacifica weren't feeling the irony; the others were.

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