Hallowed Halls

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As Tommy and Celesta stepped into the mansion, Tommy was in awe of how many rich things there were. Cosmo was too, trying his hardest not to whistle. Celesta giggled as she ran over to an elderly butler.

"Charlie!" She gushed.

"Ah hello young Mistress Celesta." He replied, smiling at her.

"Mistress Celesta?" An elderly maid asked.

"Hi Noelle!" Celesta greeted.

"Well it is so good to see you again. You look so much like your mother. You will be a fine young lady one day." Noelle predicted.

Celesta smiled wide as she turned to Tommy. She added, "Oh I want everyone to meet one of my best friends! This is Tommy Turner."

Tommy waved a bit awkwardly at them. "H - hi."

Charlie started to say, "Well welcome to Northwest Manor. This has been our new home for quite some time now. Ever since..."

"Celesta!" A female voice gushed.

Celesta turned and saw Priscilla standing there. Her hair was gray but other than that, she hadn't changed too much. She was wearing a red house dress with white slippers. She had no longer had her golden ring either.

"Grandma!" Celesta gushed, hugging her. Priscilla picked her up and hugged her back. "I've missed you!" She added.

"I've missed you too, Celesta." She admitted softly. She turned to Tommy and teased slightly, "So you are her boyfriend?"

Tommy blushed but Celesta blushed harder, from embarrassment and a crush. Preston saw this and frowned. Tommy saw this and frowned himself. That's when he remembered the conversation he had with his Mom earlier.


-Flashback: A few hours ago...-

"Hey Mom?" Tommy asked, gaining his Mom's attention.

"Yes Tommy?" Trixie questioned.

Tommy admitted, "I was thinking about what you had told us about Pacifica's Dad. I am really worried that he's gonna try and do something to Celesta..."

Trixie smiled softly and asked, "You really like her, huh?" Tommy blushed. When he didn't deny it, she decided to change the subject back. Trixie added, "If you did tell her, son. She probably wouldn't believe you anyways. She loves her grandfather too much to see the truth. She'll have to see it for herself... rather if you like it or not..."

-End of Flashback-


As Celesta giggled happily, in the arms of her grandmother, Tommy was eyeing Preston. While he knew that his Mom was right, it didn't mean that he wasn't going to try and warn Celesta. Priscilla placed Celesta down. The girl turned to George, which made Tommy jealous.

"So how are your parents George? I haven't seen them yet." Celesta stated.

George replied, "They are currently out of town for the night so your grandfather was nice enough to let me stay the night."

Celesta turned to her grandfather, "Thank you grandpa! Maybe we can all play together!"

"Wait... we?" George asked her, capturing her attention.

Celesta answered, "Yeah! You, me, and Tommy!"

George looked at Tommy, shooting him a look. Preston was also giving him a glare. It made Tommy shiver. Priscilla saw this and got an idea.

"I've got a better idea, sweetie. Why don't you and George run along so I can talk to Tommy for a moment?" She offered.

"Sounds good to me!" Celesta responded. She turned to Tommy and added, "Meet us outside in the garden when you are done, okay?"

Future Tenseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें