First 'I Love You' From Them

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- Just did it out of the blue
- You were walking around an he just casually said it like it was no big deal

- Said it during an Interview
- " What do you have to say about y/n?"
- " They're amazing. I'm really in love with them and I can imagine spending the rest of my life with them"
- you were lowkey sobbing
- Highkey. You were highkey sobbing let's not lie

- He wanted to tell you for at least a month
- Poor boi was so nervous
- Finally did it over dinner and you were smiling all night long

- Whispered it to himself not expecting you to hear it
- You totally heard
- He got REALLY flustered

- He was completely hungover and you were taking care of him
- Said it just before drifting off to sleep
- You woke him up again of excitement

- Told you right before he died
- Oh boy you were not ready
- You sobbed for a good month but calmed down when you were able to contact him through Klaus

- You told her first and she said it right back
- You had prepared dinner for the both of you and straight up told her
- She blushed like crazy but was really happy

- Didn't take much for him to say it really
- You brought him a donut
- "Thank you I love you so much"

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