Facetiming The Cast

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Aidan: Aidan is often traveling so he usually shows you the view from his hotel room or takes you places you'd like to see

Emmy: She usually calls you after a long day of work when she needs someone to talk to. You then talk until one of you falls asleep

Tom: Calls you everytime he has some exciting news. You're the first person he wants to share those with, which makes you very happy

David: Facetimes you all the time after work. Most times you don't have much to talk about but that doesn't bother you. Just knowing that the other one is there is enough

Robert: He calls you everytime he's bored out of his mind and is looking for someone to joke around with. To him you make everything less boring which he enjoys most about you

Justin: Calls you when he's upset and needs some cheering up. Since you're the best at that, he feels better after every call

Ellen: You're facetiming her 24/7. Your phone is often out of battery from calling her so much

Cameron: While you wait until he gets home (which takes like weeks) you facetime each other every day and do the stuff you'd normally do together like eating breakfast or getting ready

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