Favorite Thing You Do Together

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Five: Talking. You love just sitting down with him and talk. While enjoying each others presence it also strengthens your emotional bond

Allison: Shopping. You like just spending a day together while also buying new things. It seems like you have all the time in the world to you and you enjoy it very much when Alli makes time for you

Luther: Dancing. Since you took that dance class, you fell in love with dancing even more. You even signed up for weekly dance classes

Diego: Netflix and chill. It usually ends in a makeout session but you don't care. You love being intimate with him

Klaus: Partying. You both love going to parties with the difference that you manage to stay sober. When you don't have to drive home you're usually drinking too but your fine with having fun without alcohol

Vanya: Getting coffee in your favorite coffee shop. You go there every Saturday morning before spending the day together. It's your little weekly routine. The coffee is delicious

Hazel: Going out for dinner. Hazel barely has time but when he does, he takes you out to dinner

Ben: Talking. Since you really can't do anything without Klaus, talking is pretty much your only option

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