What You Do Together On Rainy Days

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shittysk8ter helped 😎

- You guys cuddle a lot
- He reads you some classic romance stories and you listen to him
- You usually fall asleep while he plays with your hair

Allison :
- Movie marathons
- You always want to watch movies starring her because you're so proud of her
- Matching pj's

- You're still going out
- You actually like rain so you drag him outside
- Getting hot chocolates dripping wet because he doesn't fit under your umbrella

- Hanging out at his "apartment"
- ;)))

- Playing in the rain like kids
- Lots of jumping in puddles
- After you take a bath together

- Mostly just lying around doing nothing and cuddling
- Eating hella much candy

- She likes rainy days because she thinks the sound of the rain and her violin sound good together
- You just sit there and listen to her play

- He's always in a bad mood
- You cheer him up by cooking dinner

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