First Kiss

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- Very unexpectedly
- You were about to leave and he kissed you short but sweet goodbye and you immediately freaked out
- He seemed to not make a big deal about it but was actually freaking out

- Very classy; after a date
- She walked you home in the dark and then you both kissed eachother

- You kissed him first
- Went down like this:
- He brought you something from the store and you were like " Thanks honey" and kissed him
- You were lowkey freaking out after realizing what you just did
- He was too but kissed you back

- More like first makeout session
- It was after a big boxing fight (which he obviously won)
- He kissed you in his "apartment"
- Yeah well it turned into a makeout session

- You both were at a party and drunk as fuck
- You guys were just dancing and kissed basically
- Well it was more of a makeout
- You couldn't remember anything the next day but he did and eventually told you

- He totally planned it
- First he took you to a movie
- Then dinner
- He payed for both of your meals and then kissed you later in the parking lot

- You kissed her after she comforted you
- She got very flustered but she kissed back

- He was away for like 2 weeks because of his job
- You waited for him and kissed him when he arrived
- P U R E

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