What They Love About You

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Five: He loves your honesty and that you're never afraid to tell him when he's wrong

Allison: She loves your smile. When she's had a rough day, it brightens it up

Luther: Luther likes your laugh. When you were kids you used to laugh at his jokes all the time. He loved it ever since

Diego: He likes your sarcasm. You're the literal Devil of sarcasm. He finds it incredibly funny  (except when you use it on him)

Klaus: He loves your jokes. He thinks you're the only one who's actually funny out of everyone. He's always so excited to have you around

Vanya: Vanya likes how you're extroverted. It was scary to her at first but she likes it when you take her to places you want her to see

Ben: He loves your eyes. He could stare at them all day long. He keeps losing himself in them

umbrella academy preferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ