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This sucks so beware lmao

You were finally back. Back at the place you wasted your childhood if you could even call it that. After all you're still stuck in the body of a 14 year old. Your body just stopped aging all of a sudden and nobody had a clue why. Eyeing yourself in the mirror, all the memories came rushing back. After all these years, you didn't think that you'd return.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden loud sound. It was music you hadn't heard in years and didn't think you'd ever hear again. It was so loud, you were certain that everybody in this house, maybe even the people across the street were able to hear it. You tried to block out the sound but without realizing it, the music consumed you.

Children behave, that's what they say when we're together

It was almost like the song was forcing you to dance. No matter how hard you fought you just couldn't stop.

I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone around.

You got carried away by the music, actually enjoying it until it was violently interrupted by a loud thunder like noise. You hurried down the stairs where your siblings had already gathered. Together, you decided to step out in the backyard.
" What is that?" Vanya made her way to the blue energy before being pulled behind Allison.
"Don't get too close!" Allison exclaimed, earning a "No shit" from Diego who was visibly annoyed by her comment. "Holy shit what is this?" You whispered to yourself, still stunned by the thing in front of you.
"Looks like some sort of anomaly" Luther paused before continuing his sentence. "Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the two" You took a step back only to collide with a rather irritated Diego who quickly pushed you to the side to take a closer look at the anomaly. "Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan" he stated.
"Out of the way!" Klaus came running, pushing everyone aside. Holding up the fire extinguisher he brought, he sprayed at the black hole without a second thought. Seeing as this had only little effect he decided to throw it at the energy.
"Are you mental?" You yelled pulling Klaus behind Allison and punching him lightly. "What is that going to do?" Allison hissed.
" I don't know. Do you have a better idea?" Klaus cockily responded as more energy seemed to leak from the portal.
"Woah, woah, woah. Everybody get behind me" Luther ordered stepping in front of everyone just to be pushed aside by Diego. "Yeah, get behind us" You rolled your eyes at his childlike behavior but decided to let him have his moment and did as he said.
"I vote for running. C'mon" Klaus suggested.
"I agree" You said linking arms with Klaus, "I'm too young to die"
You eyed the portal when all of a sudden the image became clear and a man appeared. It seemed as if he was trying to break through the blue portal. The next thing you saw was the energy morphing and a figure falling to the ground. All of a sudden it cleared up and the anomaly disappeared. Everyone was still stunned and was processing what just happened. The figure crawled on the grass before getting up. The clothes he had on were baggy on him and his hair was messy and then it hit you. The face you hadn't seen in 17 years and had missed so dearly was in front of you. A face you had almost forgotten. "Five?"

I'm really bad at this pls don't judge😔👊🏻

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