The Others Tease Him/Her For Liking You (Cast)

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- They knew he liked you before he even realized it
- "You like her"
- " Do not"
- He gets so red

- Eveytime, literally EVERYTIME they see you, they turn to Emmy and are like: "Oh look who's over there"
- Beware because she's totally getting ready to slap everyone

- The others always secretly hint and joke about it in front of you and you're confused at why he seems so angry at them
- Usually stutters around you and the others, mostly Robert, copy it

- The others always push him onto you, earning slaps from him
- Him shouting at them to hide his embarrassment

- They don't only know that he likes you but they also know that you like him too so it's twice as entertaining
- Mostly inappropriate jokes that Robert laughs along nervously
- A lot of blushing

- They try to start a conversation between you two by pushing him onto the floor hoping you'd ask if he's okay
- What can I say, it worked

- They're surprisingly respectful and mature about it
- Until...
- David being the dumb bitch he is accidentally spilled the beans one night


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