42- Question

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" Now sit on the bike." Zaine commanded in a deep voice.

" No!" Evan crosses his arms over his chest as turns his head away, a pout residing on his lips.

Zaine let's a smile escape, his anger fading away as he gazes down onto Evan's profile.

Evan turns his head back after a minute or two, seeing no moment from Zaine. He turns his head to come face to face with a very whipped looking Zaine.

" What?" Evan asks, his heart beat increasing once he sees the space between them, which he didn't notice before because of his blinding anger.

" What?" Zaine asks back as he takes in each and every detail of Evan's face, the mole under his left eye, his beautiful black eyes, his honey cheeks, his cute lips.

" What are you staring at?" Evan asks in a accusing manner.

" An angel." Zaine says without thinking, the words coming out on its own.

Evan beams red as he looks anywhere but Zaine's eyes, Zaine's captivating eyes follow his movements.

Zaine straightens as he takes a step forward, he places his hands on Evan's soft jawline before turning him around to make Evan look at him.

Evan gulps down as he meets Zaine's eyes, their eyes lost in  eachother's gaze, their breaths mingling, goosebumps erupting, heart beats confessing their....love?

" Please." Zaine utters, it appals him as to how he just can't look away from Evan's eyes.

Evan nods softly, knowing perfectly well that the other won't let him go until he accepts but deep down maybe he too wanted to spent a little more time with Zaine, savouring each moment, each feeling, each heartbeat.

What was this feeling? Adoration? Liking? Admiration? Love?

But one thing was clear it was not friendship, it can never be friendship.

The feeling of confusion prevails both their minds asking them whether this was lust? Did they really love the other person? Or was it just for their body?

Them not wanting a relationship scaring that they will end up using the other for their own guilty pleasure, breaks them.

But isn't it what love is all about not doing something because you feel like you will hurt the other person.. use them...

Zaine withdrew his hands from Evan's jawline hesitantly, Evan turned around questions running a marathon in his mind...in his heart.

Zaine took a seat on his bike, followed by Evan. Evan was hesitant on placing his hand on Zaine's shoulders, in the end he decided not to.

At least until he is sure about his feelings.

Zaine was heartbroken that Evan didn't place his hands on his shoulders, he had grown to love the sparks, but deep down he knew that the sparks would only make him question this more.

Is this lust? Or something else..


I hope I was able to communicate the feelings they have for the other currently. Do understand their relationship started with a kiss, so ofcourse the question is lust would come in.

I love you all.

Thanks for the support.

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