32- Buddies

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Evan inserted the key before he slowly closed the door, he padded towards his room carefully so as to not step on the creaky parts, his mom had a double shift and he knew she would be really tired now, he didn't want to disturb her.

Evan entered his room before closing the door, he sighed happily as he fell on his soft bed. Today was perfect for Evan, he missed Zaine already. Evan doesn't when it started --- was it the kiss or was it Zaine's words.

I  can kiss you for eternity.

Evan blushed as he remembered the kiss--- how was it that Zaine could get him so flustered. He groaned, his thoughts were eating him up.

He slowly sat up as he looked towards his phone, he suddenly remembered what happened today. He stood up before walking towards his phone and opening the gallery. He was met with a picture of Mr. Smith getting a bundle from another man, he didn't know what the bundle had but he guessed it must be the money. ( considering the message earlier )

Evan opened the back of his phone and took out his memory card. He had a bad feeling about the whole thing.


Evan yelped when he felt a hand close his locker, he turned around to be met with Zaine's chocolate brown eyes. Zaine was smiling fondly as he looked at Evan.

" Oh! Zaine, Hi." Evan greeted Zaine with an adorable smile.

" Don't you look cute today," Zaine commented as he checked Evan out with a shit-eating grin.

" I could the same about you Captain," Evan stated as he reciprocated Zaine's actions.

" You think I look cute today," Zaine asked amused at Evan's comments.

" Yep, very cute," Evan said as he booed Zaine's nose. Zaine had an amused and shocked smile on his face before be leaned forward and kissed Evan on his cheeks.

" Stop acting like you bitches are in a relationship." Liam groaned as he muttered ' fuck buddies ' under his breath.

" Why do you think we both fuck?" Evan whined at the teasing.

" Dude," Nate said as he pointed at them to look at their positions.

Zaine's hand was placed on either side of Evan's head and Evan's one hand was on Zaine's chest, presumably kept there when Zaine kissed his cheeks.

Evan blushed as he quickly withdrew his hand only to be held by Zaine as he jerked Evan a little bit leaving no space between them.

" Meet me after the practice," Zaine whispered as he kissed Evan's honey cheeks before walking away.

" Gay," Neil commented with a nod.

" Very Gay," Nate said agreeing with his brother's statement.

" I thought we would get some ass touching and grinding and here we are with nose bopping and cheek kissing. At least tell me you sat on his lap?" Liam asked as he looked towards his very red friend.

Liam guessed he didn't like the blush in his friend's face increased.

" Too gay."


I love you all.

Thanks for the support.

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