38- Cute

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" Who were you talking to?" Evan asked as soon as Zaine approached him.

" He is the coach of the school we are playing against." Zaine answered, confused why Evan wants to know about him.

" Oh!" Evan nodded unsurely, he was about thinking how Mr Smith and him were connected.

" Come on, let me show you something." Zaine stated as he pulled Evan towards the ground. Evan let Zaine pull him towards what he wanted to show him, though his mind was somewhere else as he thought about the whole situation with the coach.

Why would Mr Smith take money from that person? Isn't it illegal? Is he planning to cheat or something? What if  he wants to set the ga-

Evan yelped at the sensation of lips on his cheeks as he looked up to a amused Zaine who was smirking down at Evan.

" Wow! I call you five times but that doesn't get your attention but my kiss does, interesting." Evan's's face bloomed a pretty red colour as realisation set in.

" I am sorry." Evan said shyly.

Zaine groaned, " Stop acting cute..." Evan looked up with wide eyes as he listened attentively trying to understand what Zaine was going to say.

" Nothing." Zaine stated as he turned around, Evan eyes widened as he looked around to see they were not in the ground but in a hallway.

" Um.. Where are we?" Evan asked as he looked around, he could see drawings of athletes and sportspersons on the wall, they were also group pictures of many teams along with their trophies. Evan could see the similarity in every picture as each person had a proud smile in their face.

Zaine eyes sparkled as he interlinked his hands with Evan's as he dragged him around the corner at the end of the hallway.

This hallway was a little different as most of the pictures were in black and white and the walls were not crowded with pictures rather there was a lot of free space.

" This is my father." Zaine said as he pointed at one of the pictures, Evan walked forward to get a closer look, it was a team picture.

Evan leaned closer so that he could get a closer look, even though the picture was in black and white he could see the faces of the people clearly. Evan smiled as he looked at Zaine's dad, both of them had the same eyes and he could see the other resemblances clearly.

" You both have similar eyes." Evan stated.

" We do not!" Zaine states with a ' are you kidding me? ' face.
" I have the more beautiful ones." He continued proudly.

Evan chuckled under his breath mockingly.

" Did you just laugh at me?" Zaine asked with a horrid face.

" Maybe I did." Evan answered, Zaine pouted as he stomped his way towards the end of the hallway.

Evan laughed as he looked over towards Zaine who looked absolutely adorable with the cute pout.

Evan ran towards Zaine before quickly back hugging him, his hands going around Zaine's muscular waist.

Evan nuzzled his nose into Zaine's back as he took in Zaine's scent. Zaine stood frozen as he felt Evan nuzzle into his back, goosebumps erupted everywhere Evan touched.

" I am sorry." Evan mumbled the words  muffled by Zaine's back, eveven thoughhe words were not clear Zaine still had a blush on his face.


* Zaine walking in sweaty, his clothes sticking onto his muscular body as he gulps down water, his biceps contracting with the movement. *

Evan - You are so ugly.

* Zaine pouts as he stomps his way like a child who was just denied his favourite chocolate.*

Evan - * while pulling in Zaine's cheeks*
You are so cute.

I love you all.

Thanks for the support.

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